1.01.02 Temporary Delegation of Authority


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         Mayor’s Office


KEYWORDS:            Emergency, administrative, delegate, delegation.


1.      General


1.1   When necessary, the Mayor or any Department Director may delegate authority to an appropriate subordinate to act on his or her behalf.


1.2   Such delegation of authority shall be made in writing and distributed to all executive officers.


1.3   The City Attorney shall approve all agreements and contracts signed under the authority of this policy as to form.


1.4   Definitions:


A.    Executive Officer: Deputy to the Mayor, Mayor’s Chief of Staff; or any Department Director.


CURRENT REFERENCES:                UCA    10-3-1219


                                                SLCC   3.24.010


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:                City policy     2.01.300


EFFECTIVE DATE:               October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995