2.01.01 Expenditure of Public Funds



RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:                Accounting Division


KEYWORDS: Funds, money, spend, expenditure, expenses, purchase, buy, buying, procure, procurement, solicitation, requests, fundraising, money.


1.  General


1.1    Salt Lake City spends funds only for legitimate purposes.


1.2    In addition to the purchase of goods and services for the production or provision of services for the public, the City has determined the following to be legitimate expenses:


A. Greeting cards for special occasions, with an annual limit of $200  per department;


B.    Reasonable food and refreshments for meetings related to City business and events with invited guests.


C.    Reasonably priced art, plants, and furnishings for public or reception  

      areas in conformance with the City’s fixed asset guidelines;


D.    Reasonable expenditures for employee appreciation, recognition or morale building activities, to be determined by the Department Director;


E.    Membership dues and business expenses authorized by Department 

      Directors and incurred for a demonstrable public purpose;


F.    $100 per retirement for employees retiring from the City after five 

      years or more of service;


G.    Reasonable purchases of appropriate mementos for service or retirement awards.


H.    Automobile allowances for Department Directors, as designated by the Mayor, up to $400 per month; and


I.     Payment of reasonable service or membership fees for credit cards dedicated to City business.


1.3        City funds may not be used for the purchase of the following:


A.    Gifts, flowers, planters, or other items for a City employee, except as provided in 1.2;


B.    Parties or occasions other than those covered under 1.2;


C.    Art, plants, or decorative furnishings for employee offices.  Employees may, however, use items already owned by the City in private offices upon approval of the Department Director.


2. Solicitation from private parties


2.1    All requests for donations benefiting a City employee or City-sponsored cause, event, or activity must be approved by the Mayor.


2.2    The Mayor may set reasonable conditions on such solicitations to

       prevent conflicts of interest, inappropriate treatment, or undue 

       influence being given to donors.  Donors may not receive any

       benefit, privilege, or loss as a result of any donation.


2.3    City employees may not solicit donations from any person or entity which the employee or Department supervises, regulates, licenses, or inspects.

3. Exclusions


3.1  Labor agreements which contain meal allowance clauses or any other collective bargaining agreement are exempted from this policy.


CURRENT REFERENCES:   Accounting Division trust fund procedures


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:              City policy 3.13.100


INITIAL EFFECTIVE DATE:            October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY THE CABINET:    September 6, 1995


PREVIOUS REVISIONS:                March 13, 2003


EFFECTIVE DATE OF CURRENT REVISION (Date signed by the Mayor): September 29, 2005

(Removal of restriction on purchase of alcoholic beverages with City funds)