2.01.03 Materials Distributed with Payroll


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         Accounting Division


KEYWORDS:   Payroll, Inserts, Material.

1.      General


1.1   The City will distribute informational and departmental materials, charitable solicitations, and payroll deduction authorization forms with employees’ payroll checks, subject to the criteria outlined below.


1.2   Materials distributed with payroll cannot state or imply that the City sponsors or endorses the activity, service, event, program, organization, or commodity referenced unless officially approved by the City.


1.3   Definitions:


A.    Informational materials: Materials informing City employees about City government or activities sponsored in whole or in part by the City or other governmental entities.


B.    Departmental materials: Materials informing employees of a specific department of activities sponsored in whole or in part by their department.


C.    Charitable solicitations: A request for funds or general information provided by any organization which can provide written approval from the Internal Revenue Service that the organization has been granted tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


CURRENT REFERENCES:      U.C.A. 13-22-1 et. seq.


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:      City policy     3.13.300


EFFECTIVE DATE:               October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995