2.02.01 Cash Receipts




KEYWORDS:                              Cash receipts, deposit of funds, revenue receipts


1.         General


1.1   All public funds shall be delivered to the Treasurer’s Office for deposit on a daily basis, whenever practicable, but not later than three days after receipt of funds.


1.2   Receipts or other evidence of payments shall be on forms provided or approved by the City Treasurer for all fees and moneys paid into the City treasury, consistent with the provisions of UCA 10-6-142, or any successor statute.


1.3   Each department or section within each department is accountable for the cash receipts issued to them and used in the recording and processing of City revenues.


1.4   A letter of explanation will be required for any cash receipt determined by the City Treasurer’s Office to be missing or unaccounted for.  The letter of explanation must be signed by the Department Director or his/her designee.


CURRENT REFERENCES:                SLCC 3.20.

                                                UCA 10-6-141

                                                UCA 10-6-142

                                                UCA 51-4-2

                                                 State of Utah General Compliance Guide


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:                City policy 3.03.100


EFFECTIVE DATE:                            October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:       September 6, 1995