2.02.02 Returned Checks and Personal Check Cashing Policy

RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:          Treasurer's Office

KEYWORDS:   Bad checks, bounced checks, returned checks, personal checks, check cashing, bad checks.

1.      General

1.1     The City will optimize the collection of all returned checks for City agencies in accordance with applicable state law and existing City practices, and provide all other enforcement remedies by preparing documentation for legal action if debt is not satisfied by initial collection efforts.

1.2     The City will collect the principal amount of all returned checks and all applicable costs relating to the collection process in accordance with  UCA 7-15-1.

2.      Waiver of Collection Charges

2.1     The City will waive the established collection charge on any returned check if the originator can demonstrate that the situation resulting in the check being returned was the result of a bank error in the originator's account.

3.      Employee Returned Checks


3.1     Employees will not be exempt from paying all applicable costs relating to the collection process.

4.      Personal Check Cashing

4.1     The City will not offer personal check cashing privileges to employees at any City government location; however, petty cash checks payable to the order of a City petty cashier may be cashed at the City Treasurer's Office subject to availability of funds.         

4.2     No employee payroll checks will be cashed by the Treasurer's Office.

CURRENT REFERENCES:                          UCA 7-15-1, et seq.
PRE-1995 REFERENCES:                          City Policy      3.03.103
INITIAL EFFECTIVE DATE:              October 1, 1995
DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995
EFECTIVE DATE OF CURRENT REVISION (Date signed by Mayor): November 15, 2005
(City will no longer cash personal checks for employees)