Responsible City Agency: Treasurer’s Office
Keywords: U.S. coins, legal tender, loose coin, coin wrapper
1. General
1.1 The City will accept all U.S. coins as legal tender for payment of all debts, public
charges, taxes and dues.
1.2 The City will establish reasonable rules regulating the quantity of loose coins that
it will accept, and the manner in which it will accept the coins.
1.2a The City will require loose coins to be placed in coin wrappers by the
customer when the quantity of a certain denomination of loose coins presented
as payment is sufficient to completely fill a coin wrapper of that
1.2b Coin wrappers will be supplied by cashiers when needed. The quantity of the
denomination for each coin wrapper is as follows:
· pennies $0.50
· nickels $2.00
· dimes $5.00
· quarters $10.00
· fifty cents $10.00
1.2c The customer will write their name, telephone number, and citation number or
account number when appropriate on each coin wrapper before presenting
wrapped coins to the cashier.
EFFECTIVE DATE(Date signed by the Mayor): February 12, 2003