RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Purchasing & Property Management Division
KEYWORDS: Surplus property, donation, donate, non-profit.
1. General
1.1 The Mayor may authorize a donation of surplus City personal property to a unit of government, a quasi-public organization, or a qualified non-profit organization, if the organization provides public services which will benefit all or a significant part of Salt Lake City residents.
1.2 If two or more requests are received for donation of the same item, the written request received earliest will be given first consideration.
1.3 The City has no legal obligation to respond to, or grant, requests for donation of surplus property.
1.4 In considering a request for donation, the City will analyze whether the items in question have been declared surplus by the department responsible for the property, whether the sale of the property by competitive sealed bid or public auction is likely to produce revenue which would exceed the value of donating the property, and the needs of other City departments.
1.5 The Mayor may grant a request for donation if other public policy factors outweigh the considerations outlined in 1.4.
1.6 All requests for donation of surplus City property shall be addressed to the Chief Procurement Officer, who shall review the request and make a written recommendation to the Mayor.
24 CFR Subsection 85.32 (e)
PRE-1995 REFERENCES: City policy 3.05.202
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1995