2.04.02 Surplus Property Account


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:   Management Services


KEYWORDS:  Surplus property, Surplus Property Group, property management


1.      General


1.1      The administration has the duty to assure that there exists a formal procedure for city department directors to request the use of surplus property funds.

1.2      The purpose of this policy is to ensure that decisions regarding the use of surplus property funds are made in a timely manner and within the context of  departmental, Mayoral, and Council priorities and financial constraints.


2.        Surplus Property Account Guidelines


2.1  All departmental requests for use of the surplus property account will go to the Budget Director.

2.2     The Budget Director will prepare an analysis of the request and submit it to the Surplus Property Account Group (“Group”).  The Surplus Property Account Group consists of: The Budget Director, the Finance Director, the Chief Procurement Officer, the Property Manager and the Chief of Staff

2.3     The Group will prepare a recommendation for the Mayor, who will then recommend a course of action to the City Council.

2.4     The Group will meet as needed, but will meet no less than twice a year to review the status of the surplus property account and prepare a status report for the Mayor and Council. 

2.5     The Finance Director will maintain the Surplus Property Account.




EFFECTIVE DATE (Date signed by the Mayor): January 16, 2009