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I. Minimum Age Requirements
a. All city employees must be at least 18 years of age with the following exceptions:
i. Police officer applicants must be 21 years old on/by the date of hire.
ii. Firefighter applicants must be 18 years old on/by the day of their first exam.
iii. Individuals between the ages of 14 and 18 may be employed, but only in certain job occupations approved by the human resources department and according to the Youth Employment requirements outlined in this policy.
II. Requirements for New Employees
a. New Hire Documentation
i. Documentation required for all newly hired (or rehired) employees may include, but is not limited to: IRS Form W-4, Federal I-9 Form and documentation, Temporary Employment (At-Will) Statement, Probationary Period Notification Form, EEO and Civil Rights Statement.
b. Authorization to Work in the U.S.
i. The human resources department, or designee, will verify that all prospective employees are authorized to work in the United States. Within three days of the start of employment with the city, the human resources department, or designee, will examine the employee's documentation to certify their eligibility to work based on Federal Form I-9 requirements.
ii. Any employee who has a change in work status, such as revocation of a work permit or expiration of a work visa, will immediately inform the human resources department.
c. New career service employees in non-sworn positions must complete a probationary period of six months, which may be extended for good cause and after consultation with the human resources department for a period not to exceed six months. A twelve-month probationary period may required for employees who work in public safety and other roles, as determined by the human resources department.
III. Required Training for New Employees
a. New employee orientation, provided by the human resources department, is mandatory training for all new full-time employees.
b. Sexual harassment prevention training, provided by the human resources department, is mandatory training for all new full-time employees.
c. Any additional training designated as “required” to meet regulatory or other requirements specified by the employing agency or department is mandatory for designated employees.
d. Administrators and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that each eligible new hire employee attends all required training during their first four weeks of employment. Time off from an employee’s work assignment for training will be allowed and will not result in any loss of pay to the employee.
IV. Youth Employment
a. Individuals under 14 years of age cannot be hired.
b. Requirements for employing 14 and 15-year old minors:
1. 14 and 15-year old minors will not be employed:
a. During school hours, except as provided for in Work Experience and Career Exploration Programs;
b. Before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (except from June 1 through Labor Day when the evening limit is extended to 9 p.m.);
c. More than 3 hours per day on school days and 18 hours per week during a school week;
d. More than 8 hours per day on non-school days and 40 hours per week during non-school weeks.
2. In general, the use of power-operated tools and equipment is prohibited under the Fair Labor Standards Act for individuals 14 and 15 years of age.
3. Youth 14 and 15 years old will not work in hazardous occupations.
4. Departments that hire individuals under the age of 16 will obtain copies of birth certificates or other official documentation, including school records that verify a student’s date of birth before any work is performed.
c. Youth 16 years and older are not limited in the number of hours they may work except as covered employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
d. Youth 17 years and older may work in occupations involving the use of motor vehicles if licensed to operate the vehicle for such purpose pursuant to State Vehicle Laws and Regulations and such use is incidental to the job.
e. Because of restrictions regarding pre-employment questions, ages of prospective applicants cannot be asked until after an offer of employment has been made. Job offers made to individuals who do not meet minimum age guidelines will be withdrawn.
Current References:
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-603, 8 USC Section 1324)
Child Labor Requirements in Nonagricultural Occupations under the Fair Labor Standards Act U.S. Department of Labor, WH Publication 1330--Revised July 1984
Utah Code 34.23; 53.10.102; 53.10.108
Utah Administrative Code R722.900.1-5
Hazardous Occupations that Youth under 18 Cannot Perform http://www.laborcommission.utah.gov/divisions/AntidiscriminationAndLabor/17hazardousoccu pations.html
Department of Labor: Wage & Hour Division http://www.dol.gov/whd/; Child Labor http://www.dol.gov/whd/childlabor.htm
Employment Criminal History Background Check Instructions: http://publicsafety.utah.gov/bci/documents/FIDUCIARYSECURITY-WaterDist2012.pdf
Utah Criminal History and National Child Protection Act Background Checks Instructions: http://publicsafety.utah.gov/bci/documents/VULNERABLE2012.pdf
Approved and passed this 31st date of December, 2016