RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Division of Human Resources
KEYWORDS: Employment, prior service credit, vacation accrual, personal leave accrual, full time employment, regular part-time employment.
DEFINITIONS: Prior Service Credit: Previous time worked for Salt Lake City as a regular full-time or regular part-time employee.
1. General
1.1 Regular full-time and regular part time employees re-hired by Salt Lake City are eligible to receive up to three years of prior service credit for vacation and personal leave accrual.
1.2 This prior service credit would be used only to calculate the accumulation rate of vacation and personal leave. Particular compensation plans and Memoranda of Understanding may grant additional benefits.
1.3 Re-hired employees will receive health, dental, and life insurance benefits as if they were a new employee.
2.0 Eligibility
2.1 Only full time and regular part-time prior service will be credited. Regular part-time service will be pro-rated.
3.0 Crediting
3.1 Prior service will be credited on a month by month basis up to 36 months. Service will be rounded down to the closest full month worked.
3.2 Employees must request the reinstatement of credit. This must be done in writing to the employee’s Division Director within 60 days of re-hire or the policy effective date. The letter will be routed to the department Payroll and Personnel Administrator who will make necessary changes in payroll.
CURRENT REFERENCES Employment, Hiring and Termination Policy
Employee Compensation Plans
Bargaining Unit Memoranda of
Effective Date of Policy (date signed by the Mayor): October 12, 2004