Responsible City Agencies: Chief Administrative Officer; City department directors; City Attorney; Human Resource Director; supervisors
Keywords: Training, training plans, self-development, job descriptions
1. General
1.1 The City and its employees share the responsibility to assure service to the public is skilled; effective; timely; based on best practices; and complies with City policies and federal, Utah State, and City legal requirements.
1.2 The purpose of this policy is to advance effective employee training that assures such public service.
2. City Training Principles and Guidelines
2.1 Development of job specific training plans is a shared responsibility of the affected employee and the employee’s supervisor.
A. A primary responsibility of each City supervisor is that each subordinate employee is trained.
2.2 To assure City-wide consistency and to meet legal requirements, some training subjects may be directed by the Chief Administrative Officer. All other employee training will be the responsibility of the department directors and the supervisors with each department.
2.3 Employee training must be connected and interrelated with City strategic objectives, employee job descriptions, performance evaluations, and must be reflected in each department’s annual budget.
2.4 City departments must assure that employee work schedules include sufficient time for required and necessary employee training.
A. In its hiring and promotion processes, the City will recognize and give appropriate consideration to an employee’s or job applicant’s initiative in furthering her or his education relating to the position sought.
3. Training Plans Implementation
3.1 By 1 November each year, a City Training Committee co-chaired by the Director of Human Resource and the City Attorney and with representatives from the City departments shall recommend to the Chief Administrative Officer a City-wide Training Plan. That Plan shall include the required training subject matter for the next calendar year, the recommended training delivery methods and an assessment procedure to evaluate and track the results. Required training subjects shall be limited to those subjects the Committee believes must be taught throughout the City for consistency or to meet legal requirements. The Plan shall also report on the City’s effectiveness in relating City employee training to: the City strategic objectives, employee job descriptions, and employee performance evaluations. After consultation with the Leadership Council, the Chief Administrative Officer shall adopt a City-Wide Training Plan by 1 January prior to the calendar year of the Plan.
3.2 In addition to the City-wide Training Plan, each City department director shall adopt a department training plan in time to be reflected in the department’s annual budget submission to the Mayor. Department training plans should include the following and be developed in cooperation with the affected employees.
A. course or classroom training;
B. on-the-job mentoring/training;
C. professional conferences/meetings;
D. technology-based training;
E. employee self-development;
F. career/skills assessment and counseling;
G. a succession plan with objectives and training support;
H. rotational assignments/cross training;
3.3 The Director of Human Resource shall work with department directors to assure that employee job descriptions and performance evaluations reasonably relate to the City-wide and department training objectives.
3.4 Department directors shall work with supervisors within each department to schedule sufficient time for employees to receive all City-wide and department training during the calendar year.
3.5 The Chief Administrative Officer is responsible to communicate to the City Training Committee and to City departments the City strategic objectives that should be addressed through employee training.
3.6 Upon request, the Director of Human Resource may provide City departments support in developing and implementing training with the departments.
EFFECTIVE DATE (Date signed by the Mayor): September 26, 2008