3.01.12   Benefits Committee


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:      Management Services Department, Human Resources Division, Budget Director


KEYWORDS:  Benefits, Committee, benefits package, recommendation


1.      General


1.1     Employee compensation, including employee benefits, support the City’s ability to effectively and professionally serve the community.


1.2     Employee benefits achieve this objective when they advance the City’s strategic aims and are integrated with employee wages.


1.3     The City and its employees should collaborate in reviewing and evaluating the benefits provided by Salt Lake City Corporation.


1.4     Benefits include: legally-required benefits (such as workers compensation, unemployment benefits, FMLA leave, and so forth); medical/health benefits; retirement and post-separation benefits; disability benefits; life insurance; paid time off; and other benefits, including but not limited to: tuition assistance, transit passes, EAP programs, flexible work schedules, and career counseling or such other benefits identified by the Mayor or by the Benefits Committee.


1.5     This policy establishes a Benefits Committee of employees for the purpose of City/employee collaboration regarding benefits and charges certain City officials with support and communication with the Committee.


2.      Benefits Committee Membership


2.1     The Benefits Committee shall consist of: one employee selected by and representing each of the City’s certified bargaining units; the Management Services Director, representing the appointed employees; and four employees designated by the Mayor to represent the 300 Series, 600 Series, 800 Series, 900 Series and a retired City employee under age 65 selected by the Mayor.  Any employee-elected body representing the 300 Series, 600 Series, 800 Series, or 900 Series may recommend to the Mayor employees to serve on the Council. Each Committee member shall be a voting member of the Benefits Committee. The Committee may appoint a chair and vice chair, and establish subcommittees at their discretion.


2.2     The Benefits Committee shall be supported by the following non-voting participants:


A.       the Employee Benefits Administrator from the Human Resource Division, who may provide administrative support and meeting facilitation under the Committee’s direction;


B.       an attorney from the City Attorney’s Office;


C.       the Budget Director;


D.       the Human Resources Director; and


 E.      a City Council employee designated by the City Council, at their discretion.


2.3.    The Benefits Committee may develop procedures to govern its responsibilities under this policy. 


3.      Benefits Committee Responsibilities


3.1     The role of the Benefits Committee is to develop and recommend to the Mayor a comprehensive benefits package that meets the strategic goals of the City, is integrated with employee wages, is based on the City’s and employees’ financial ability to pay for such benefits.


3.2     The Benefits Committee is encouraged to become knowledgeable in benefit “best practices” and to understand the legal and policy framework for employee benefits.


4.       Committee Support


4.1     The Human Resources Director and Budget Director shall provide the Committee information and education regarding the City’s strategic aims, budget context, and other information relevant to the Committee’s duties.


4.2     An attorney from the Office of the City Attorney shall provide legal guidance, as appropriate.


EFFECTIVE DATE (Date signed by the Mayor):  February 18, 2009