3.02.01 Standards of Conduct


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:          Division of Human Resources


KEYWORDS:   Conduct, behavior, ethics, discipline, elections, conflict of interest, weapons, guns, firearms.


1.      General


1.1     City employees will dedicate themselves to the highest ideals of professionalism, honor, and integrity in order to merit the trust, respect, and confidence of the public they serve.


1.2     It is the policy of Salt Lake City Corporation to provide employees with due process and equal protection.  Review of potential violations must be coordinated through the Division of Human Resources.


1.3     During work hours, City employees will devote their whole time, attention, and efforts to City business.


1.4     Employees will maintain safe and orderly equipment, including City vehicles.


1.5     Employees are to meet performance standards and goals in order to effectively serve the public, and meet the City’s standards for efficient, safe, effective, and courteous operations.


1.6     De minimus personal use of City equipment and information technology by employees, with prior departmental approval, is permissible if fully reimbursed.  City employees may not use City equipment or information technology for personal gain or inappropriately.


1.7     Employees shall abide by the provisions of all official City policies and procedures.


1.8     The following types of behavior are considered inappropriate and will subject the employee to non-disciplinary or disciplinary action.


          a. Falsifying or altering documents, or otherwise providing false or intentionally misleading information.


          b. Insubordination.


          c. Possession of firearms or other weapons on City property or while on City business, except as permitted by Utah law.


          d. Use of City property for personal use unless authorized, except as expressly authorized by City ordinance or policy


          e. Committing any action that may constitute a crime, either on-duty or off-duty, where such action adversely reflects on the employee’s ability to perform assigned duties.


          f. Disregarding safety regulations or guidelines.


          g. Disrespectful behavior towards any supervisor in the employee’s chain of command.


          h. Disrespectful behavior towards another City employee or towards a citizen.


i.  Stealing, destroying, damaging, defacing or threatening to damage or destroy City property, work-related documents,  work areas, or personal property of others while at work or in connection with work.


j.        Failure to comply with uniform, dress, or grooming requirements in the workplace.


          k.       Failure to comply with federal, state or local law, where such action adversely reflects on the employee’s ability to perform assigned duties or is inimical to the public service.


          l.        Malfeasance, nonfeasance, or acts inimical to the public service.


          m.      Refusal to respond to an official request for factual information or willfully impeding a formal investigation after notification that such response is required in the investigation.


          n.       Refusal to appear for a directed fitness for duty evaluation or follow through with a directed testing or evaluation process.


          o.       Filing a malicious, fraudulent, or frivolous complaint with the intent to cause harm, disrupt City services, or with reckless disregard or intent to harass.


2.      Conflicts of Interest


2.1     Salt Lake City employees will strictly avoid conflicts of interest (see U.C.A. 10-3-1301, et. seq., and 67-16-1, et. seq.; S.L.C.C. 2.44. and 2.52.170, et.seq.).


2.2     City employees will not have any investment, directly or indirectly, in any transaction which creates a conflict with their official duties.


2.3     City employees will not endorse commercial products or services by the use of their pictures, endorsements, or quotations in paid advertisements, while on City time or with the use of City equipment or property.  During off duty time, approval by a department head is required.


3.      Vehicles


3.1     City employees shall maintain City vehicles appropriately and use them safely and courteously.


3.2     City employees shall report any vehicle accidents or damages to their supervisor immediately and cooperate fully with any investigations.




RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:                   Division of Human Resources


KEYWORDS:            Conduct, behavior, ethics, discipline, elections, conflict of interest, weapons, guns, firearms.



CURRENT REFERENCES:      U.C.A. 10-3-1301 -- 10-3-1312

                                                U.C.A. 67-16-1 et. seq.

                                                S.L.C.C. 2.44.

                                                S.L.C.C. 2.52.170 et. seq.

                                                Alcohol and Drugs policy


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:      City policy     4.02.100






EFFECTIVE DATE:               October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995


REVISED:                May 6, 1996

                             June 7, 1996


Effective date of current revision (Date signed by Mayor): March 8, 2007

(Policy clarifications)