RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Chief Administrative Officer; City department directors
KEYWORDS: Leadership, supervision, employees
1. General
1.1 The City must effectively lead its employees.
1.2 An effective leader: is technically proficient; seeks self-improvement; knows his or her employees and looks out for them; keeps subordinate employees informed; sets an example; ensures that tasks and objectives are understood, supervised, and accomplished; makes sound and timely decisions; develops a sense of responsibility among employees; deploys his or her employees in accordance with employee capabilities, and takes responsibility for his or her actions and the actions of subordinate employees.
1.3 The purpose of this policy is to advance effective leadership across the City.
2. Leadership Council
2.1 The Chief Administrative Officer and department directors shall advance leadership across the City. They shall coordinate their efforts through a Leadership Council, consisting of the Chief Administrative Officer (acting as chair), City department directors, the Human Resource Director, and employees selected by the Chief Administrative Officer to represent each employee compensation series.
2.2 The Leadership Council shall enhance the value of the City’s employees through a wide range of leadership and employee engagement efforts, including but not limited to:
2.2.1 Establishing training and accountability among City supervisors and managers;
2.2.2 Sharing the responsibility for training and career development between the City and its employees;
2.2.3 Engaging employees in policy development, process improvement, and performance/readiness measures;
2.2.4 Providing a fair, respectful, cooperative, and safe work environment;
2.2.5 Ensuring accountability of employees, supervisors, and managers;
2.2.6 Celebrating success and achievement with City employees; and
2.2.7 Supporting employee work/life balance.
3. Reporting
3.1 The Chief Administrative Officer shall regularly report to the Mayor efforts towards improving leadership of City employees.
3.2 The Chief Administrative Officer, in consultation with the Leadership Council, shall develop means to evaluate the effectiveness of leadership at all levels of the City.
CURRENT REFERENCES: Standards of Conduct Policy, Courteous and Respectful Behavior Policy, Supervisors Standards and Responsibilities Policy
EFFECTIVE DATE (Date signed by Mayor): January 10, 2008