3.03.01 City Volunteer Program


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         Mayor’s Office


KEYWORDS:   Volunteer, public service.

1.      General


1.1   City officials who recruit volunteers to perform services of benefit to the public will provide appropriate training and supervision.


1.2   A volunteer shall be deemed an employee of Salt Lake City only for the purpose of:


A.    Medical benefits under Worker’s Compensation for any injury sustained by him/her while engaged in the performance of any City service as required by state law.  This requirement does not apply if Worker’s Compensation coverage is provided by another government agency;


B.    Operation of City motor vehicles or equipment if the volunteer is properly licensed and authorized to do so; and,


C.    Indemnification protection normally afforded salaried employees or as otherwise provided by state law.


1.3   Volunteers receive liability protection as provided by state law.


1.4   Definitions:


A.    Volunteer:  Any person who donates services to the City without compensation, except for pre-approved, incidental expenses relevant to their volunteer work.  This policy does not apply to volunteer positions appointed by the Mayor.


CURRENT REFERENCES:                Employment, Hiring, and Termination policy

                                                UCA 35-1-1 through 35-3-18

                                                UCA 63-34-11

                                                UCA 63-30-1, et seq.

                                                UCA 63-30b-1, et seq.


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:      City policy     2.01.900


EFFECTIVE DATE:               October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:                 September 6, 1995