4.01.05 Cell Phones


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Information Management Services

KEYWORDS: cell phone, smart phone, iphone, android, droid, blackberry, cellular telephone, aircard, wireless, mobile phone

1. General

1.1. The City recognizes the value of cell phones in conducting City business and encourages the appropriate deployment of cell phones to employees where this can provide greater efficiency and effectiveness, a higher level of customer service, or where employees are required to be available on a 7/24 basis.

1.2. The following sets forth a standard for the City to ensure consistency in the way cell phones and calling plans are administered.  It further ensures that the departments are in compliance with Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations associated with employee cell phone usage.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Employees are responsible and accountable for the appropriate use of City owned cell phones as outlined in the City Cell Phone Procedure.

2.2. Department and Division Directors are responsible and accountable for determining those employees to be assigned a City owned cell phone.


3. Privacy.

3.1. There can be no expectation of privacy related to the use of a City cell phone. Except in certain situations, City policy 4.01.02 does not allow recording of telephone conversations. However, all call records, logs, and any other information associated with the use of a City owned cell phone is the property of the City.

3.2. Text messages, email messages, or any other electronic communications sent or received on a City owned cell phone are subject to the City’s Electronic Communication Policy and the associated procedure.

4. Personal Use

4.1. Except for de minimus personal use, City owned cell phones are to be used for City business only.


5. IRS Regulations.

5.1. IRS regulations require employees with a City owned cell phone to report as taxable income the fair market value of the phone, the value of the calling plan, and the value of individual phone calls. The City is required to comply with all applicable IRS regulations. 


5.2. The City will City Cell Phone Procedure will be used to administer this requirement.


6. Procurement and Disposal

6.1. Procurement of cell phones is to be administered in accordance to the City Cell Phone Procedure.

6.2. Cell phone calling plans are to be administered in accordance with the City Cell Phone Procedure.

6.3. In the event of an employee’s separation from the City and in accordance with the City’s Cell Phone Procedure, Department/Division Directors may authorize the sale of a City owned cell phone to the employee to whom it was assigned.

6.4. Cell phones that are no longer needed or are no longer serviceable are to be disposed of in accordance with the City Cell Phone Procedure.

7. Appropriate Use.

7.1. Cell phones may be used to conduct City business. The rules surrounding the use of City owned cell phones in the conduct of City business are the same as for a traditional desk phone. 

7.2. Use of a City owned cell phone while operating any motorized vehicle is prohibited. This includes talking on the phone, sending text messages, or in the case of smart phones, emailing, web browsing, and any other use of the device that distracts the operator’s attention.


EFFECTIVE DATE (Date signed by Mayor):   February 1, 2011