RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY: Information Management Services (IMS)
KEYWORDS: Open Data Portal, Transparency, Civic Engagement
1. General
1.1 Government functions best when it is open, engages its constituents, and makes available certain information about its day to day operations and about highly visible projects and priorities.
1.2 The City has an enormous amount of information stored in numerous data stores that may be of interest or value to the public.
1.3 The City will implement an open data portal that provides access to certain structured data contained in City data stores.
2. Open Data Platform
2.1 It is the intent of this policy to provide:
2.1.1 Greater access to certain transactional and project information contained in City data stores; and
2.1.2 Provide access to certain City transactional and project information to foster and assist citizen developers in the creation of applications that would be of benefit to the public; and
2.1.3 Provide access to certain transactional and project information in an effort to reduce the number of Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) requests.
2.2 The function of the Open Data Portal is to provide access to information in an understandable, readily available, industry standard downloadable format.
2.3 The data portal shall be open to all users and free to the public. Users of the information may not be charged fees or subscription charges.
3. Administration
3.1 The City will operate the Open Data Portal in accordance with this policy and its associated procedures.
Terms and Definitions
"Data" means final versions of statistical or factual information (1) in
alphanumeric form reflected in a list, table, graph, chart or other
non-narrative form, that can be digitally transmitted or processed; and (2)
regularly created or maintained by or on behalf of Salt Lake City.. Such term
shall not include information provided to an agency by other governmental
entities, nor shall it include image files, such as designs, drawings, maps,
photos, or scanned copies of original documents, provided that it shall include
statistical or factual information about such image files and shall include
geographic information system data. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to
prohibit an agency from voluntarily disclosing information not otherwise defined
as "data" in this subdivision, nor shall it be deemed to prohibit an agency from
making such voluntarily disclosed information accessible through the single web
portal established pursuant to section xyz.
2. “Data sets” a collection of related sets of information that is composed of separate elements but can be manipulated as a unit by a computer.
data” is the idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to
use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or
other mechanisms of control.
data portal” means the Internet site provided by and maintained by or on behalf
of the Salt Lake City Government, located at or its successor
website. The site provides a single point of access to the City’s transactional
data, project data and geospatial information.
5. "Open standard" means a technical standard developed and maintained by a voluntary consensus standards body that is available to the public without royalty or fee
CURRENT REFERENCES: Open Data Portal Procedures