5.01.01 Non-Police Enforcement of City Ordinances


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         City Attorney’s Office


KEYWORDS:            Citation, ticket, misdemeanor, crime, enforcement.

1.      General

1.1   Salt Lake City Corporation designates certain public officials who are not peace officers to enforce City ordinances (as allowed under Utah Code Ann. § 77-7-18 or successor statute).  Only those public officials expressly designated by their respective Division or Department as having authority to enforce City ordinances are authorized to do so.  These authorized public officials may issue misdemeanor citations to enforce City ordinances in the areas of their expertise.


1.2   This policy does not affect Salt Lake City police officers’ abilities to issue misdemeanor citations or to take individuals into custody for violating laws or ordinances.


1.3   This policy does not grant authority to any public official (other than a police officer) to take individuals into custody.


2.      Public Services

2.1   Citation authority is limited to enforcement of City ordinances addressing work, obstructions, or activities that occur (1) within, on, or adjacent to a public right-of-way or other public property, or (2) on private property if the circumstances giving rise to the enforcement action fall within Public Service’s areas of expertise.  The ordinances for which Public Services has citation authority include (but are not limited to) the following:


A.    SLCC Title 3, Chapter 50.


B.    SLCC Title 5, Chapters 6, 37, 65, 69, 84, 85, and 86;


C.    SLCC Title 9, Chapters 8, 12, 40, and 44;


D.   SLCC Title 12;


E.    SLCC Title 14;


F.    SLCC Title 15;


G.    SLCC Title 18;


H.    SLCC Title 20.




3.      Community and Economic Development

3.1               Citation authority includes (but is not limited to) enforcement of:


A.    SLCC Title 3, Chapter 50.


B.    SLCC Title 5, Chapters 6, 14, 15, 60, and 68;


C.    SLCC Title 9, Chapters 2, 12, 16, 28, 32, 36, and 40;


D.   SLCC Title 14, Chapters 20, 38, and 48;


E.    SLCC Title 18;


F.    SLCC Title 20;


G.   SLCC Title 21A.


4.      Fire Department

4.1     Citation authority is limited to enforcement of City ordinances pertaining to fire          regulations, including (but not limited to) the following:


A.    SLCC Title 5, Chapter 9;


B.    SLCC Title 9, Chapters 20, 24, and 40;


C.    SLCC Title 11, Chapter 4;


D.   SLCC Title 14, Chapter 28;


E.    SLCC Title 15, Chapter 8; 


F.    SLCC Title 16, Chapter 48;


G.    SLCC Title 17, Chapters 16 and 20;


H.    SLCC Title 18, Chapter 44.


5.      Public Utilities Department

5.1   Citation authority includes (but is not necessarily limited to) enforcement of Salt Lake County Watershed Rules and Regulations, and watershed, wastewater control, and sewer system ordinances contained in SLCC Title 17.



6.     Finance Department


6.1   Citation authority is limited to enforcement of City ordinances pertaining to business licensing and other financial matters, including (but not necessarily limited to) the ordinances set forth in SLCC Title 5.



7.     Animal Services


7.1   Citation authority is limited to enforcement of City ordinances pertaining animal control matters, including (but not necessarily limited to) the ordinances set forth in SLCC Title 8.



8.     Airport


8.1   Citation authority includes (but is not necessarily limited to) enforcement of:


A.  SLCC Title 5, Chapters 71, 72, and 76;


B.  SLCC Title 16.




CURRENT REFERENCES:                SLCC Title 3

                                                SLCC Title 5

                                                SLCC Title 8

                                                          SLCC Title 9

SLCC Title 11

SLCC Title 12

SLCC Title 14

                                                SLCC Title 15

                                                SLCC Title 16

SLCC Title 17

SLCC Title 18

SLCC Title 20

SLCC Title 21A

Utah Code Ann. § 77-7-18


PRE-1995 REFERENCES:                City policy     6.08.100


EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1995

EFFECTIVE DATE OF CURRENT REVISION (Date signed by Mayor):  December 16, 2013