KEYWORDS: Historic, landmark, site, commission.
1. General
1.1 Departments responsible for public facilities investments, design, or construction within historic districts or landmark sites will coordinate with the Historic Landmark Commission to:
A. Preserve significant historical, architectural, and cultural aspects of the local heritage; and,
B. Encourage design consideration in public improvement projects to enhance opportunities for creation of amenity areas and to stimulate private investment and business interests.
1.2 Definitions:
A. Public facilities investments, design, or construction within a historical district or landmark site: projects under the capital improvements program which involve a change in the external features of a historical district or landmark site, including remodeling or alteration of the external structure, demolition or removal, new construction, erection of signs, or improving the right-of-way of above grade infrastructure. This includes those improvements made by the private sector to the public right-of-way which require City permits.
B. Historic Landmark Commission: a commission appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council, comprised of between 9 and 15 voting members. The Commission promotes the preservation goals of Salt Lake City specifically by approving or denying construction affecting the visual quality of historic districts and landmark sites.
CURRENT REFERENCES: City Policy 3.10.01
EFFECTIVE DATE: April 5, 2000