Delay of Conditional Use and Zoning Change Applications by Registered Organizations


RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:         Planning Division


KEYWORDS:            Recognized, registered, neighborhood, notify, notification, notice, conditional use, zoning.

1.       General


1.1   Recognized organizations may delay the consideration of applications and petitions for conditional uses and zoning ordinance text or map changes affecting territory within, or within 600 feet of, their borders if the applicant has not yet addressed a meeting of the affected recognized organization (as described and permitted in SLCC 2.62.040 (C)).


1.2   Requests for delay must be in writing and received in the Office of the Director of Community and Economic Development prior to the responsible City agency’s first meeting at which the issue is scheduled for discussion.


1.3   Definitions:


A.    Recognized organization: A neighborhood- or community-based organization which has complied with the provisions of SLCC 2.60.020.


CURRENT REFERENCES:                SLCC   2.60.



PRE-1995 REFERENCES:                City policy     6.06.100


EFFECTIVE DATE:     October 1, 1995


DATE APPROVED BY CABINET:       September 6, 1995