Fire Department Combat Crews




KEYWORDS:   Fire Department, Combat Crews, Vacation/Holiday Buy Back program


1.       General


1.1     The City has created a Vacation/Holiday Buy Back program within the Fire Department to provide staffing of four firefighters per engine or truck to the extent possible.  The Fire Chief shall maintain the Vacation/Holiday Buy Back program as one of the highest budget priorities of the Fire Department and shall manage the Fire Department budget with a goal of adequately funding that program.


1.2     When staffing levels would otherwise be reduced, the Fire Chief shall solicit volunteers from the Vacation/Holiday Buy Back program only. The Fire Chief is not obligated to solicit other employees from the Department employee roster to provide staffing of four firefighters per engine or truck.


1.3     Fire Department personnel working either under the Vacation/Holiday Buy Back program or otherwise off the employee roster shall be compensated as required by City ordinance or by any memorandum of understanding between the City and the employees’ representative organization.




EFFECTIVE DATE: June 19, 2002


EFFECTIVE DATE OF CURRENT REVISION (Date signed by Mayor):  March 29, 2007