Street Banners in the Public Way


EFFECTIVE DATE: (Date signed by Mayor)        August 19, 2003








          Section 21A.46.070.K of the City Code allows the location of signs on publicly owned land or inside street rights of way, if such signs are erected by permission of an authorized public agency.

          Many existing utility poles are located within the public right-of-way; however, the City has not (with only limited exceptions) allowed the use of such utility poles for any signage or the communication of any messages.  

          The City has determined that it would be beneficial to the City as a whole to allow existing utility poles to be used to display street banners for the limited purpose of encouraging and promoting community identity, community organizations, community activities and events.

          In allowing this limited signage on utility poles, in certain designated locations, the City does not intend to create a public forum, but rather intends to create a limited forum for the purposes set forth herein.

          This Executive Order is also intended to prescribe rules to be followed by City employees in determining whether to approve the erection of signs pursuant to said Section 21A.46.070.K and to establish applicable time, place, and manner restrictions.


          Therefore, the Mayor of Salt Lake City enacts this executive order:


1.         Definitions.


1.1     “Applicant” means the applicant for a street banner permit as described herein.

1.2     “Banner” means a public event banner, secured banner or unsecured banner, as defined in Section 21A.46.020 of the Salt Lake City Code.

1.3     "Community Organization" means neighborhood-based organization, as defined in Section 2.60.020 of the Salt Lake City Code, or a local non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

1.4     “Mayor” means the mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah, or the mayor’s designee.

1.5     “Sign” means a sign as defined in Section 21A.46.020, Salt Lake City Code.

1.6     “Street Banner” means a banner displayed on a utility pole located in the public way.

2.         General Provisions

2.1      Authority to Display

          In order to encourage and promote community identity, community organizations, and community related activities and events, an eligible participant, as defined herein, may, after applying for and receiving a permit to do so, hang banners on existing utility poles in the public way, provided that such banners contain no commercial content and in no way identify a commercial product or business logo, except that the banners may contain the applicant’s logo.

2.2      Eligible Participants

          The City will accept applications for a permit to display street banners only from   Community Organizations or from governmentally owned libraries and educational institutions.  Street banners may be placed on existing utility poles in the public way only for the limited purpose of promoting and encouraging community identity, community organizations, or community activities and events.

2.3      Approved Display Areas

          Street banners may be placed on any existing utility poles within the locations identified on the "Street Banner Map" maintained by the City Transportation Division.  No street banners shall be allowed outside of those designated areas.

2.4      Application for Permit

          Any person or entity who desires to display such street banners must first apply for and obtain a permit for such display from the City Transportation Division, who shall provide a form for the application. The application must be submitted to the Transportation Division not less than 10 days and not more than 6 months before the date the street banners are proposed to be displayed and must contain the following:

A.       The name, address and telephone number of the applicant, or if an organization, the name address and telephone number of a contact person;

B.       A photograph, drawing, or other visual representation of the proposed street banners; and

C.       The proposed number of street banners and the proposed locations where the street banners will be placed.

D.       If the City does not own the real property or the utility poles upon which the street banners are proposed to be placed, the applicant must present written permission from the appropriate pole owner(s) consenting to such placement.

E.       An application and permit fee of $50.00.

2.5      Granting of the Permit; Standards

          The permit may be granted by the Transportation Division on a first come first served basis, upon a determination that the application has been properly completed, and that:

A.       The location and placement of the street banners will not endanger public safety, including motorists and pedestrians by interfering with street lighting, obstructing traffic signs or other control devices, or otherwise creating dangerous distractions;

B.       The street banners will not cover or blanket any prominent view of a structure or facade of historical or architectural significance;

C.       The street banners will not materially obstruct the view of users of adjacent buildings to side yards, front yards, or to open space;

D.       The street banners will not negatively affect the visual quality of a public open space, such as a public recreation facility, square, plaza, courtyard, or the like in any material or substantial way;

E.       The street banners are compatible with building heights of the existing neighborhood and do not impose a foreign or inharmonious element to an existing skyline; and

F.       The street banners do not adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of the public in any material way, and do not violate building code regulations regarding ingress, egress or fire protection.

2.6      Time for Approval or Disapproval of Application

          Within 14 days after receiving the application for a permit, the City Transportation Division shall either grant, modify or deny the permit request.

2.7      Judicial Review of Denial

          Any person adversely affected by the granting or denial of the permit may appeal such decision to a court of competent jurisdiction, after receiving notice of the decision. The decision granting or denying the permit shall be effective on the date of the written notice issued by the City Transportation Division, unless the Mayor orders otherwise.

2.8      Banner and Hardware Standards

          Street banners must be constructed of a material that can withstand the normal and reasonably expected forces of nature for the period of time they are displayed.  Torn or damaged street banners will not be hung and will be promptly removed by the applicant, if damaged after being hung.  The street banners shall not exceed an overall length of 96 inches and a width of 30 inches.  There shall be a 6 inch sleeve at the top of the street banner to slide over the bracket.  The bottom shall have a 2 inch hem, and the sides shall have a minimum hem of ¾ inches.  There shall be 2 grommets at the bottom of the street banner.  The graphic area shall not exceed 26 inches by 88 inches.  A diagram outlining these street banner standards is attached hereto.  Any hardware installed upon utility poles must first be approved by the City Transportation Division.  All street banners and hardware shall be installed such that the top of the street banner is at least 18 feet above the ground.  If the street banner hangs over the traffic way, the top of the banner must be at least 22 feet above the ground.

2.9      Duration of Display

          The street banners may be permitted and be in place for a period not to exceed 30 days.    If no other applicant has applied for permission to place street banners in the same location, that initial 30 day display period may be extended for an additional period of 30 days.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City may order that street banners be removed prior to the expiration of any permit period, if such banners are determined to constitute a safety hazard.

2.10    Installation, Maintenance and Removal

          Street banners, and any hardware necessary to display such street banners, may only be installed by a licensed contractor approved by the City.  Except as may be otherwise determined by the City, the applicant is responsible for all costs associated with installation, maintenance and removal of all street banners and any hardware necessary to display such street banners.  The applicant is also responsible for any damage which may occur to the street banners or hardware while they are being installed, displayed, or retrieved.  Damaged or dirty street banners must be removed immediately by the applicant.  The cleaning and repair of street banners is the responsibility of the applicant.  At the expiration of the permit period, the street banners shall be promptly removed by the applicant.  After installation, any hardware installed on utility poles shall become property of the City, and shall remain on the utility poles after removal of the street banners.

          2.11    Enforcement

          The City may enforce the terms and limitations of this Executive Order through any lawful means.

3.         Waiver

          The requirements of this Executive Order may be waived or modified by the Mayor, with the advice of the City Attorney.

4.         Negative Savings Clause

          If any portion of this Order is determined to be illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or superseded, in whole or in part, this entire Order shall forthwith be voided and terminated, subject to the following provisions: (a) in the event of a judicial, regulatory, or administrative determination that all or some part of this Order is illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or superseded, such action shall be effective as of the date of a final appealable court order; and (b) in the event of any state legislative action that renders any portion of the Order illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or superseded, such  action shall be effective as of the effective date of such legislative action. 

          This Executive Order may be revoked at any time without notice to any party.  No property interest or vested right is created in any person or entity by this Order. If any portion of this Order is determined to be illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or superseded, any person or entity who has erected any street banners contemplated by this Order shall immediately remove such street banners, after receiving oral or written notice from the Mayor or the City Attorney of such determination.

5.         Supercedes Previous Executive Order

          This Executive Order amends and supercedes the previous executive order dated May 22, 2003, which previous order shall now be deemed to be null and void.