Sustainability Audit


EFFECTIVE DATE (Date signed by Mayor): June 22, 2006

SUBJECT:                                                                                           Sustainability Audit

RESPONSIBLE CITY AGENCY:                               All Departments and Divisions

KEYWORDS:    sustainability, environment, economy, health



Our society faces serious economic, environmental, and public health challenges on the local, regional, national, and international levels.  From poor air quality in cities and towns to catastrophic global climate change, it is clear that the state of our environment tremendously impacts our quality of life in Salt Lake City, as well as the quality of life experienced in communities around the world.


In view of these challenges, my administration is strongly committed to fostering economically and environmentally sustainable policies and practices.  We have made great strides in this regard, initiating programs to encourage recycling, mass transit, e2 businesses, and the use of alternative fuel vehicles.  However, only a long-term commitment to sustainable practices will ensure that future generations enjoy a quality of life equal to or better than that enjoyed by our citizens today.  Thoughtful planning and resolve are required of everyone in City government if the City is to achieve long-term sustainability.


City government should lead by example in this regard.  The City should provide a model for businesses and private citizens by promoting practices that minimize or eliminate negative economic, environmental, and health impacts, and that seek to enhance and sustain the economy, environment, and health of Salt Lake City and its residents.


A successful sustainability strategy requires commitment and cooperation, especially in changing practices to which we have grown accustomed.  By transforming daily operations, ongoing programs, and long-range planning with a view toward sustainability, we will be able to impact positively the economic environment, public health, the cost and efficiency of City operations, and the present and future well-being of our communities.


Therefore, I enact this Executive Order:


1.              General


1.1            All City departments and divisions will work diligently and expeditiously in developing and implementing policies that promote economically and environmentally sustainable practices. 


1.2            To facilitate this endeavor, I hereby establish the Salt Lake City Sustainability Committee.  The Committee will be comprised of representatives from government, nonprofit, business, and academic entities.  The Committee’s purpose will be to evaluate existing policies, programs, and practices of City departments and divisions, and recommend specific changes to policies and ordinances with a view toward sustainability.


1.3                    Within six months of its first meeting, the Committee will prepare an initial set of recommendations and implementation plans for the Mayor and City Council.  The Committee’s work will focus on a number of specific areas, including but not limited to:


      Energy and fuel efficiency

      Renewable sources of energy

      Alternative fuels

      Waste prevention and recycling

      Sustainable design and construction

      Water conservation

      Natural resource conservation

      Environmentally preferable purchasing


1.4                    Implementation will include the establishment of management systems which:


      Develop baseline data on environmental impacts of City departments and examine existing policies, operations, procedures, and requirements

      Set priorities, objectives, and targets

      Demonstrate management support for sustainability efforts

      Establish staff responsibilities, provide training, and institute

accountability mechanisms

      Develop action plans and procedures

      Track and measure progress

      Establish mechanisms for feedback and review

      Plan for continual improvement


1.5                    The Committee’s recommendations will include a timeline for implementation. 


1.6                    When establishing goals and developing strategies, the Committee shall solicit assistance from a City Sustainability Subcommittee comprised of representatives from City Departments and Divisions.