Telecommuting Approval Procedure


Employee Telecommuting Application


Employee:  Interested employees should thoroughly read through the City’s telecommuting policy (City policy 3.01.02 – Employment Status) and this procedure, and print a copy of the Telecommuting Application/Agreement

(available by clicking here or in the References section at the end of this procedure.


Employee:  If utilizing computer or telephone equipment as part of the telecommuting work arrangement, contact the IMS Division to determine feasibility of telecommuting work, equipment needs and costs.  Note this information on the Telecommuting Application/Agreement.


Employee and supervisor:  Meet to discuss telecommuting application.


Supervisor:  Consider telecommuting criteria listed in Section 3.2 of City Policy 3.01.02 – Employment Status and application/agreement form, and approve or disapprove telecommuting work arrangement.


                   Telecommuting Approved by Supervisor


Employee and Supervisor:  Develop a mutually acceptable system for measuring telecommuting work productivity, and finalize costs, equipment needs, and schedule.


Employee and Supervisor: Ensure understanding and agreement on Safety of alternate work area.


Supervisor:  Ensure understanding and agreement on Fair Labor Standards Act considerations, including preapproval or overtime or work schedule changes.


Supervisor:  Sign application form and forward to Division Director for notification of employee participation and approval or disapproval.


 Division Director:  Review Telecommuting Application/ Agreement form and approve or disapprove. (If Division Director is applying for telecommuting approval, the Department Director will approve or disapprove.) 





          Telecommuting Approved by Division Director


Division Director:  Sign the forms and send the original back to the requesting employee, with copies forwarded to the supervisor and the employee file in the City’s Human Resource Office


Employee and/or supervisor:  submit quarterly reports to Division Director based on the measurable work units defined in the Telecommuting Application Agreement.


The maximum term of a telecommuting agreement is normally twelve (12) months and will be reviewed annually.  The agreement may be terminated by either the employee or the City for any reason at any time.


                                      Telecommuting Not Approved by Division Director


Division Director:  Provide the supervisor with an explanation for disapproval. 


                   Telecommuting Not Approved by Supervisor


Employee and supervisor:  Discuss decision and rationale for not approving telecommuting work arrangement.


Telecommuting Equipment


A telephone with voice mail is often the only equipment needed.  However, in some cases employees will use telecommuting technologies offered by personal computers, fax machines, or on-line services, as pre-arranged with their supervisor and the City’s Information Management Services Division.  City-provided equipment is not an entitlement of telecommuting.  The employee’s department is responsible for providing hardware, if needed. 


Hardware or software provided by the City remains the property of the City and will be returned at the end of the telecommuting arrangement.  An equipment/software inventory record for City equipment assigned for off-site use will be maintained by the telecommuter’s work unit.  Products, documents and other records used and/or development while telecommuting will remain the property of, and be available to, the City and are subject to departmental and divisional polices regarding confidentiality and authorized access.


City-owned software may not be duplicated.  Telecommuters using City software must adhere to the manufacturer’s licensing agreements.  The employee is responsible for protecting the integrity of copyrighted software and following policies, procedures and practices related to them to the same extent applicable in the regular office.


Off-site installation of hardware or software is the responsibility of the telecommuter, in coordination with the City IMS Division.  Support will be provided by the City’s Information Management System staff on City work sites only and telecommuter work units will be billed for services according to current IMS practices.  The variety of information systems employed make it impossible to guarantee that telecommuters can receive extended information systems access to all alternate work locations. 


All equipment, software, supplies or other material purchased or maintained by the City are to be used by the telecommuter for City business only.  The telecommuter has the same responsibility for taking appropriate steps to minimize damage to City property used at the alternate work site as would exist at the regular City work site.


Employees who elect to use their own equipment (not furnished by the City) are responsible for its maintenance and repair. 


REFERENCES:                        Telecommuting Application/Agreement

                                      City Policy 3.01.02 – Employment Status


EFFECTIVE DATE:  May 6, 1996

REVISION DATE:  October 10, 2000