City Council Announcements
April 11, 2000
1. A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. SPECIAL OCCASIONS: A Council Member suggested establishing a small fund for special occasions. Each Council Member would have the option to contribute to the fund for times of need like a sympathy card, flowers, birth announcement or other. Council staff would make arrangements on behalf of the Council Members. Money would cover the cost of the gift. This would save a great deal of staff time trying to coordinate signatures and collecting money. Does the Council want to proceed with this suggestion? Are Council Members interested in contributing $2 per month?
A: Councilmember’s were in favor of the idea. Cindy Gust-Jenson suggested paying for a year at a time.
2. OLYMPIC BUSINESS CARDS: The SLOC has approved for Elected Officials and some City employees to have Olympic business cards. There are certain guidelines that must be followed. SLOC must approve each request. Attached is an example of a card. Are there any objections? Council staff will be requesting Olympic business cards for all Council Members unless otherwise noted.
A: Councilmember Rogan wanted to use City Council business cards. It was decided to let each Council Member choose which care they wanted, since the costs were so close.
3. RESPONSE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION: Attached is an update from the Administration relating to a Legislative Action requesting a citywide analysis of areas currently zoned Commercial Business CB and Commercial Neighborhood CN to determine consistency with existing master plans and appropriate zoning. The information has been provided in response to a recent letter from the Council Chair to the Mayor requesting an update on the Administration's efforts. The information discusses:
background, Planning staff analysis and the process to date
preliminary Planning staff recommendations
public process and Planning Commission timeline for transmittal to the Council
Would Council Members like a briefing from the Administration?
A: Ms. Gust-Jenson said a large mailing had gone out and Councilmembers would probably be getting calls. Councilmember Thompson suggested that it play through the hearing process before the Council had a briefing on it. He said the written material gave Councilmembers a good background.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said if any Councilmember wanted an individual briefing, she could arrange it.