City Council Announcements
April 15, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Digital Internet Service: AT & T was recently purchased by Comcast. There is an extra charge if you do not have cable TV with that same company. The price of digital internet service has gone up by $10.14 to $52.99 per month. Quest charges are $47.06 per month. Are there any problems with the service being provided to Council Members? Do all Council Members wish to continue the service? YES
2. The Salt Lake Association of Community Councils is hosting a Neighborhood Conference and Resource Fair on Saturday, May 3 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the downtown Library on the main level. They will be introducing public officials at 9:00 a.m. Do any of the Council Members wish to attend? Gary Mumford asked Council Members to let Lehua know if they wanted to attend.
3. Police Civilian Review Board: Would the Council be willing to look and approve the next few (four) applicants for this board with only one week approval time? This is a new board and needs to get members consented in order to process any up coming cases. YES
4. Property Conveyances: Does the Council wish to hold any hearings? No
a. Salt Lake City/County Landfill has agreed with UP&L to purchase land and exchange easements at approximately 5800 West and 1300 South. UP&L agrees to sell real property to the City/County and move transmission lines and easement. The new lines will be along the property boundary eliminating current impediment difficulties for the Landfill. Real property ($110,000) and relocating the lines ($900,000) costs have been approved and will be paid out of the Landfill Budget.
b. Buca di Beppo Restaurant requests a lease agreement for encroachment in the public right-of-way. $350 for a five year term for an aerial canopy which will not impede the pedestrian way. No
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
1. Attached is transmittal from the Administration detailing the revenue shortfall for fiscal year 2002-2003. There is no action needed by Council Members. Related information was provided in the April 8, 2003 Announcements and discussed during the library budget briefing.
D. Upcoming Appointments (see attached goldenrod sheet)
E. Upcoming Agenda items (see attached goldenrod sheet)
F. Informational Mail items received (see attached goldenrod sheet)
Additional City Council Announcements
April 15, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Upcoming Appointments:
a) Legacy Parkway Public Scoping meeting – the Federal Highway Administration and the US Army Corps of Engineers are hosting an open house. This is to provide information about the process of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and to gather input about the scope of the Legacy Parkway project in Davis County. Council Members may be interested in attending if they’d like to provide their comments to these federal agencies.
Thursday, April 17th 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Woods Cross High School Auditorium (600 W 2200 S, Woods Cross)
b) Education and Fair Housing Conference – see attached for schedule of items. Held at the South Towne Expo Center on Thursday, April 17th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Please let Lehua know if you are interested in attending.
c) Days of ’47 Parade – it’s almost that time of year again! Lehua will be coordinating with you to register for the parade, which will include a 30 word script.
No feedback on above items.