2001 Council Announcements

April 3, 2001


City Council Answers

April 3, 2001


**Cindy, do you want this sent to the recorders so they have to duplicate it?


A.    Feedback From Council Members


1. According to Council Office policy, the schedule for district meetings in year 2002 is as follows:


            January     District Four

            February    District Five

            March       District Six

            April       District Seven


Council district meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.   With the 2002 Winter Olympic Games scheduled from February 8-24, 2002 and the Paralympic Games scheduled from March 7-16, 2002, would Council like to proceed with the regular schedule for district meetings? 


they want to change the district meeting dates.


2. INFORMATION BOOKLET:  The Council Office generally receives a number of inquires during the election cycle from potential candidates. Does the Council see value in having staff prepare an abridged version of the Orientation Manual to offer information on when the Council meets, role as RDA Board, legislative duties, estimated amount of time dedicated to Council business, the annual budget, availability to constituents, Council policies, role of Council staff, etc?

      If so, please let staff know what information you think is important for potential candidates.


they support the booklet


3.    Real Property Conveyance: Emigration Improvement District requests an easement approximately 1225 N. Killyons Canyon Lane for installation and maintenance of water storage and associated pipeline. The area is watershed, but not “Prime Watershed,” no further impact is foreseen to the City’s infrastructure. Does the Council wish to hold a hearing? Compensation Tendered: $12,294.


the Council doesn't need a hearing on the property issue (Recorder's Office knows)