City Council Announcements
August 11, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. At the last Utah League of Cities and Towns board meeting, it was discussed the possibility of honoring community volunteers at the Annual Utah League of Cities and Towns Convention in September. The League is asking for nominations to honor someone in the community who donates considerable time and resources that make Salt Lake City a better place to live. Nominations for this award would need to be submitted by September 1, 2009.
Would the Council support nominating a community volunteer? Councilmember Love asked Council Members to let her know if they had anyone to nominate.
2. The Council Office has received a communication from the Administration regarding petition # 400-07-04, a request by Ivan Radman of J&I LLC, requesting that the City close St. Varian Street (Approximately 4400 West and 1100 South), an unimproved public right-of-way. The petition was considered by the Planning Commission on June 11, 2008 and transmitted to the Council in February of 2009 with a positive recommendation, although a number of property line issues were identified as necessary to resolve prior to final action. The applicant passed away subsequent to the transmittal being forwarded to the Council. The Administration met with the family of the applicant in June 2009 to review the petition. J&I LLC have now expressed a desire that the petition be closed without action, as they now intend to use the right-of-way (at some point in the future) for access to their property.
Is the Council comfortable closing this petition without action? Yes
ADDITIONAL City Council Announcements
August 11, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The Salt Lake County Council passed a resolution establishing an advisory committee to examine the necessity and viability of the construction and management of a convention headquarters hotel in the vicinity of the Salt Palace. The committee will advise Salt Lake County Mayor and Council on the financial feasibility of a convention headquarters hotel, available funding options, the sufficiency of existing Salt Palace funding mechanisms, and whether or not a convention hotel authority should be established. The committee will also report to the State Legislature on their findings.
Council Member Simonsen has expressed interest in participating on the committee.
Are other Council Members interested in participating on the committee? The Council was in support of Councilmember Simonsen.
2. The Council office has received the Quarterly Housing Report for the Fourth Quarter, FY 2008-2009.
Would the Council like to hold a briefing on the attached report? Ms. Gust-Jenson said the quarterly report was available.
B. For Your Information
1. The City Council Electronic Packets will now be available for download through email. The source of the material is a secure server and will not allow access to individuals to download the material prior to verifying you as a designated recipient. The instructions to download the packet from the email are included as an attachment to this announcement. This change will discontinue the use of the slcdownloads website for packet material. Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff was available if Council Members needed help.