City Council Announcements
August 3, 2000- Addendum
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. PRESENTATION: Jorge Arce-Larreta, Field Office Supervisor, from the Local US Census Office expressed that they would like to present a plaque to the City at an upcoming Council meeting. The purpose of the presentation is to thank the City for the cooperation with the US Census Bureau that contributed toward a successful census. Does the Council approve having this presentation scheduled for an upcoming Council meeting under Opening Ceremonies?
A: Yes
2. REQUEST FROM THE ADMINISTRATION TO REALLOCATE FUNDING FOR MULTI-ETHNIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PROJECT: The Administration has submitted the attached memorandum relating to the funding of a transitional home that was approved by the Council in May 2000 within the CDBG and HOME budgetary process. In short, the Council awarded the Multi-Ethnic Development Corporation (MEDC) in partnership with Traveler's Aid $184,950 in HOME funding to develop a transitional home consistent with the Council's intent to site a transitional home in each Council district.
MEDC has applied for HOME and CDBG funding from the County as well. The County did not award MEDC any CDBG funding but is prepared to award HOME funds. However, due to HOME subsidy per unit requirements from HUD, the County will only be able to award MEDC an additional $23,202 for the project because of Salt Lake City's award. This will not generate enough funding to develop the project.
The Administration has identified prior-year CDBG funding that has already been recaptured by the Council and designated for multi-family housing (account balance is currently $201,421). The Administration is recommending that it allocate $184,950 from this account to MEDC so that they can receive their full award for which they are eligible from the County and fund the project.
If the Council approves of this recommendation, the $184,950 can be reallocated to other organizations that applied for FY00-01 HOME funding, or can be used to augment next year's HOME award from HUD.
The Council may wish to note that this project is currently under review within the City as the desired site does not currently allow transitional housing. The Council may be holding a discussion in the future about this specific project and the ability for agencies to site transitional housing in each district where current zoning does not allow such projects. Although this project does not currently meet the zoning requirements, a solution may be presented to the Council in the near future. If the Council does not act on the Administration's request at this time, however, MEDC will not be able to receive the funding necessary to complete the project within any district.
The Administration could technically make these adjustments outside of the budget amendment process, but is seeking direction from the Council at this time. The Council may wish to indicate whether the transfer of funds is acceptable, and if so:
A. Whether such action should take place administratively or within a budget amendment, and
B. Whether the Council would like to reallocate the HOME funding or use it to augment future HUD awards.
3. PROPERTY CONVEYANCES: Do Council Members wish to hold a hearing on any of the conveyances listed below?
A. Switch & Data Facilities Company is proposing the installation of two vaults for shared infrastructure facilities. The vaults will be shared by AT&T, MCI, and Nextlink. There will be an annual compensation of $350 for 10 years. The vaults will be located on the west side of 2nd East (north of Social Hall Ave.). The construction will have the most impact on pedestrian traffic, construction will occur near the curb.
B. TCI Cablevision of Utah, Inc to enter into two Easement Agreements with SL City for locations of NE Corner of Popperton Park and the SW Corner of a Public Utilities Conduit site (1784 W. 400 N.). Both sites will have a telecommunications cabinet placed at a corner of the parcel. This easement will allow for installation of additional telecommunication facilities for the area. The compensation is a one time amount of $1000 p/parcel.
C. West Jordan City Corporation to enter into an easement agreement with SL City to construct a road across Airport No2. property. The road will provide ingress and outgress to 6200 South from their development. West Jordan City has agreed to construct all the infrastructure improvements. These improvements will help future plans for Airport No. 2 Property and will address the storm water runoff to neighboring residences. West Jordan City will pay a cash compensation of $56,610 in addition to construction of the improvements.
D. U.S. West Communication, Inc. to enter into an Easement Agreement with SL City to construct a telecommunications cabinet at Airport No. 1 (2200 West). This easement will allow for installation of additional phone lines to serve the Airport and other businesses in the area. The compensation tendered is a one time amount of $350.
E. Utah Open Lands Conservation Association and the City will enter into a Conservation Preservation Easement to protect Hidden Hollow Nature Park (1300 E. 2100 S.). Hidden Hollow will remain protected from encroaching commercial development for future generations. No monetary compensation- the City is not conveying fee title.
F. E & H Properties to enter into a lease agreement with SL City for the subsurface of the encroachment area (sidewalk). This area is located at 107 S. Main Street and will be used for commercial use. (Old Navy (renter) will use this area for inventory and storage.) The compensation tendered is $8,090 annually.
G. Was letter to Police Officer Michael Dunman’s family acceptable?
A: Council Members C. Christensen and Saxton said they had given changes to Jennifer. Ms. Gust-Jenson said she would make sure changes were made.