Additional City Council Announcements
December 1, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Potential Amendments to Snow Removal Ordinance
The Transportation and Mobility Subcommittee at its November 20 meeting discussed ways to improve removing snow from sidewalks after snowstorms. Among a variety of potential improvements that would involve research into changing which department or departments in City government might be responsible for enforcing the City snow removal ordinance was a proposal that might be implemented quickly. The Subcommittee’s goal was to encourage residents and business owners to clear sidewalks of snow or ice after storms to make walkways passable to pedestrians and people who may use vehicles such as wheelchairs.
One proposal at the meeting involved doubling the civil fines charged and dividing them into four tiers. Implementing the increases would be quick because parking enforcement officers’ electronic equipment already is programmed for a civil fine system, and – if the City Council decided to amend the snow removal ordinance – the higher fines could be entered quickly into the equipment.
Under the current ordinance, 14.20.110 Snow, Ice Removal Penalty, the civil penalty for failing to remove snow from sidewalks is $25 if paid within 15 days; $50 if paid within 25 days; and $75 if paid after 25 days. Each day a sidewalk remains uncleared it is counted as a separate civil offense.
At the Subcommittee meeting it was noted that civil fines for failing to remove snow from sidewalks remained at current levels when the City doubled parking fines. If civil fines for failing to remove snow were made to mirror parking fines (increased by 50 percent and tiered) the fine structure would look like the following:
The base civil penalty would be $147, but there still would be a discount for prompt payment of the penalty.
If paid within 10 days $37.00
After 10 days but within 20 days $77.00
After 20 days but within 30 days $107.00
After 30 days but within 40 days $147.00
The Subcommittee also discussed differentiating between residential and commercial properties in terms of civil penalties. In response to a City Council staff query, officials indicated the following potential fines might be imposed on commercial properties.
The base fine would be $294. The schedule for prompt payment of the penalty would be:
If paid within 10 days $184.00
After 10 days but within 20 days $224.00
After 20 days but within 30 days $254.00
After 30 days but within 40 days $294.00
Is the City Council interested in considering an increase in fines for failing to remove snow from sidewalks and following the pattern suggested by the Administration? All Council Members were in favor of looking at stiffer fines. Councilmember Christensen asked that staff bring the Council some options and anything that would make it compatible with the current enforcement and expedite both the enforcement aspect and the tracking.
Is the City Council interested in differentiating between civil penalties for failing to remove snow from in front of residential properties and failing to remove snow in front of commercial properties?
2. Ms. Gust-Jenson said one final item was last year the Council authorized staff time to work with Councilmember Garrott and the Mayor’s Office on the 2009 Bicycle Summit. She said Councilmember Garrott wanted to seek the Council’s approval to again allocate Council staff time to help plan a bike summit. She said the Administration had with the Council’s approval of funding, two positions that relate to trails and bikes. She said the Council might want to make a formal request of the Administration to see how they want to handle this. She said the main question was whether the Council was willing allocate staff time. No Council Members were opposed.
December 1, 2009
City Council Announcements
December 1, 2009
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The Council office has received the Quarterly Housing Report for the First Quarter, FY 2009-2010.
Would the Council like to hold a briefing on the attached report? All Council Members wanted the report in writing.
2. On November 5, during the Council’s discussion regarding proposed changes to the City’s demolition regulations, the Council asked that the Planning subcommittee develop a draft purpose statement for further discussion with the full Council. The Council indicated that after review of the purpose statement the draft ordinance would be distributed to the Administration and the public for review and comment. Please see the attached memorandum for the complete draft purpose statement.
Do Council Members support the proposed purpose statement? All Council Members were in favor of sending the draft statement for feedback from interested parties both within and outside of the City.