City Council Announcements
December 6, 2005
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Regarding petition number 400-04-43, a request by Menlo Associates to close and abandon a portion of 300 South Street (between approximately 5100 and 5200 West). The other abutting property owner, South Farm LLC, came to the public hearing and objected to the street closure because it would eliminate access to their property. The Council voted to continue the hearing and directed the Planning Division to work with the two parties to resolve the issue. Discussions have been held but no agreement has been reached. The Planning Division then received a letter from the petitioner (Menlo) requesting to withdraw the petition, reserving the right to open the issue again in the future. The Council can either vote to close the hearing, which would mean the petitioner would have to file a new petition and pay another fee, or instruct the recorder’s office to file the petition with the hearing still open. In the latter case, the petitioner would not have to pay another fee to re-open the issue in the future. What would the Council like to do? Ms. Gust-Jenson said this item could be skipped again.
2. Council Member Jergensen is interested in resolving the parking issues for neighborhoods surrounding the Capitol during legislative sessions. He is meeting with members of the Administration the week of December 5th to discuss options and a timeline. Ms. Gust-Jenson said an ordinance amendment was needed and staff would prepare a draft. She said there would be a briefing and a request for action on December 13th.
The Administration has identified the possibility of establishing a residential parking permit area. This would include amending the existing ordinance to allow implementation of a parking permit program in a shorter timeframe than what is currently in place. The current ordinance requires a great deal of study before a residential permit area can be put in place. Because the Legislative Session is coming up so quickly, we would not have time to get it in place this year if we followed the existing ordinance. The Attorney’s Office is drafting changes to the ordinance and should have changes and comments ready next week. Transportation is completing their initial parking study which will provide preliminary information on which streets should be involved and what the restrictions might be.
The following are potential action steps:
1. Council action on an ordinance amendment in December. Public notification would be given and an informal hearing would be held.
2. As soon as the ordinance is adopted, flyers will be distributed to residents with information that identifies the proposed permit area and the proposed restrictions that will be established.
3. An informal hearing to receive comments will be held five days after the flyer is distributed. (This should be before Christmas).
4. The day after the hearing, a final decision will be made on the streets to be involved and the restrictions that will be put in place.
5. Another flyer will be distributed informing residents when and where they can purchase their permits – they will be available from Christmas to mid January when the Legislature begins (Jan. 16). During this time Public Services will install the parking signs.
Are Council Members in support of the proposed timeline and plan?
3. Just a reminder about the enrollment period for the Medical Reimbursement Account program. If you would like to enroll for the coming year, your completed forms have to be to HR before December 30. Additional forms are available in the Council Office.
B. For your information
1. BUDGET BOOK - The Capital and Operating Budget book for fiscal year 2005-06 is available on the city's web site If you would like a hard copy, let a staff member know.
2. Salt Lake Housing Market – Attached to the announcements is an executive summary of the Greater Salt Lake housing market and economy. The study was presented at an Urban Land Institute event on November 29.
3. Attached is a Grant application.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 12/7/2005
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Environmentally and Economically Sustainable Business Program
FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Office of the Mayor
DATE SUBMITTED: November 22, 2005
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 25% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The Office of the Mayor is requesting $10,000 for the Salt Lake City Environmentally and Economically Sustainable (e2) Business program. The e2 Business program educates local small business owners on best management practices that lead to pollution prevention and that promote a business culture of environmental stewardship in the community.
The program objective is to educate 20 small business owners and to increase the number of e2 businesses from 30 to 50 by September 2007 through a targeted business outreach campaign.
The business outreach campaign will introduce the e2 Business program to a least 200 prospective e2 businesses through networking meetings, direct mailings, advertising, and community events such as Earth Day, Recycle Day, and Live Green.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires a 25% non-federal match of the total cost of the project. The City is supplying the match ($3,600) through donated time of the Environmental Advisor to the Mayor.
Summary of grant/project budget:
Category Federal Funds Non-Federal Match
Personnel $0 $3,600
Travel $0 $0
Equipment $0 $0
Supplies and Materials $451 $0
Contractual Services $9,549 $0
Total $10,000 $3,600
cc: Sarah Behrens, Krista Dunn, Gordon Hoskins, Lisa Romney