City Council Announcements
February 1, 2000
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
a. Attached is a letter to Arlene Quickstrom regarding the L’Ours Blanc store at 10 N. State Street. Does the Council approve the letter?
2. BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Attached is a resolution which is scheduled to be presented during the February 8 Council Meeting. Does the Council approve the resolution? Also attached is information regarding Mr. Terry Harris who has been invited to say a few words during the public comment section of the agenda on February 8. This approach has been coordinated through the Chair and Vice Chair. The original request was forwarded by the Mayor’s Office.
3. BUDGET: During announcements on January 18, the Council indicated that it did not wish to approve using $30,000-$40,000 from contingency to fund an increase in the janitorial contract for the Public Safety Building. The Council suggested that the Police Department make up the difference within their current budget. Council staff would like to clarify that since janitorial expenses are budgeted within the Facilities Division of the Public Services Department, it is Public Services and not the Police Department that would make up the difference if the budget is not amended and the contract's service level is increased.
Council staff is aware that the request to increase the service level of the janitorial contract was made by the Police Department as the Public Safety Building is currently receiving a lesser janitorial service level than the City and County Building. The Council could consider approving the expense with the understanding that the Police Department will make up the difference in cost this year and in future years (rather than the cost being absorbed by the Public Service's budget). Alternatively, the Council could consider reviewing the level of janitorial service currently funded for all City buildings when it reviews the FY00-01 budget in May.
A: No action requested by Council. Wait to see if Administration makes a request.
4. REFRESHMENTS FOR MEETINGS: The Council Office has a small budget to provide refreshments for Council Members group meetings with constituents. In the past, Council Members have used this fund for early morning breakfast meetings and mid-day lunch meetings. These meetings commonly have 5-15 attendees. During the next few months, various Council Members will host Olympic Town Meetings and District Town Meetings. In the past, town meetings have generated attendance of 25-100 community members. Does the Council wish to provide refreshments at town meetings? This question has come up in the past and staff would appreciate direction prior to this year’s district meetings.
A: Specific needs would be addressed by the Chair and Vice Chair.
5. TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD: In November, the previous Administration forwarded information that Roger Borgenicht's status on the Transportation Advisory Board had changed. He moved from his district and was no longer going to represent the Central City Planning District. He was instead going to represent the organizations Assist and Futures Moves.
Zachary Griffith was recommended by the Administration to be appointed to represent the Central City Planning District. Mr. Griffith will interview with the Council during the February 1st work session. This interview was scheduled only after the new Administration reviewed all of the paperwork and approved moving this all forward. Does the Council have any objections to Roger Borgenicht's move within the board?
A: OK. Council wants to be sure record is clear and that Roger has the correct term expiration date (new position’s date). This can be done through consent motion.
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
1. INTERLOCAL AMENDMENT: The interlocal agreement relating to the reconstruction of 2100 South must be amended, even though the work has been completed. The attached letter from Max Peterson explains why an amendment is necessary. The interlocal amendment will be scheduled on a future Council agenda. Please let Council staff know if there are any questions.
2. SUBCOMMITTEES: Attached is a list of all Council subcommittees. The attached list reflects changes made at the Council retreat.
3. MHJ BLOCK: As per Council’s requested, attached is a letter sent to the Council Chair in 1998. This document details the acquisition of the MHJ Block.
4. MEETING NOTES: Attached are notes from meetings Council staff has attended in the last couple of weeks.
a. OPEN SPACE: Meeting attended by Janice Jardine on January 25.
b. HOUSING TRUST: Meeting attended by Janice Jardine on January 14.
5. CITY HOLIDAY: On Monday, February 21 the City Council Office will be closed in honor of Presidents’ Day.
D. Meetings
Tuesday, February 1 @ 4 p.m.
Business License Fee Subcommittee
Tuesday, February 8 @ 4 p.m.
Severance Subcommittee