2008 Council Announcements

February 19, 2008


Additional City Council Announcements

February 19, 2008


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    Riparian Corridor and Conditional Use zoning review process


The following is a general scope of work and the consultants that have been identified for the Riparian Corridor and Conditional Use zoning 180-day review process.  Are these acceptable to Council Members?


Riparian Corridor zoning review


1)    Chris Duerksen with Clarion Associates for the planning/zoning piece of this project


A.    Reconnaissance & Review                   Feb./March

B.    Interviews/Public Workshop                Feb./Mar/Apr/May/June 

C.    Ordinance/Key Issue Diagnosis             Mar/Apr/May/June 

      Best Practice Options

D.    Final Report/Council Briefing                   May/June

E.    Draft Revision                                        June/July 


Conditional Use zoning review


2)    Frank Gray from Scottsdale, AZ for the planning/zoning piece of this project


A.    Reconnaissance & Review                   Feb./March

B.    Interviews/Public Workshop                Feb./Mar/Apr/May/June 

C.    Ordinance/Key Issue Diagnosis             Mar/Apr/May/June 

      Best Practice Options

D.    Final Report/Council Briefing                   May/June

E.    Draft Revision                                        June/July



Public process for both projects:


3)    Wilkinson & Ferrari for the public participation process  (Please note, the public process would be similar for both projects.)


A.    Public opinion survey - Dan Jones & Assoc.      Feb./March

B.    Workshop process management & facilitation      Feb./Mar/Apr/May/June 

C.    Project management                              May/June

D.    Presentation materials for workshops



All Council Members were in favor of the schedule.


February 19, 2008

City Council Announcements

February 19, 2008


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    The City’s financial advisor is conducting a “Bonds 101” session with members of the Administration and would like to know if any Council Members are interested.  The meeting would likely be at the end of February or early March.

Are Council Members interested in attending this session?


Council Members JT Martin and Luke Garrott were interested.


2.    Both Jill and JT will be gone on March 11th

      Would the Council be ok having a meeting on March 13th or the 25th instead? (That would mean having the RDA meeting on another date in March) 


Council Members were in favor of the meeting being held on March 13, 2008


3.    Security/Decorum in City Council Chamber

Attached are two items titled Decorum in the City Council Chamber and Citizen Comments to the City Council. Council Members probably have seen copies of the items in the last couple of weeks, and the Chair and Vice Chair have approved the language of the two items.

After the two items were written Council staff met with Jeff Bedard about ideas to make the City Council Chamber (Room 315) more secure while maintaining a fairly relaxed atmosphere where people feel comfortable coming to speak about issues. Council staff listed the suggestions below for the Chair and Vice Chair, and they apparently were supportive of most of the issues. Staff is listing them again to see if Council Members may wish to comment on the proposals or make any suggestions.

If the City Council concurs with the Chair and Vice Chair, staff would like to have the items titled Decorum in the City Council Chamber and Citizen Comments to the City Council read at the pertinent section of each City Council meeting – with any additions from the list below. That plus other security suggestions could be implemented in March, depending on City Council direction.

Generally, the Council Chamber, and the City & County Building, have remained open to the public, and security measures have not been intrusive because it is the public’s building and because City Councils have made an effort to maintain the Chamber as a place where residents and others feel comfortable speaking to issues that concern them.


     If anyone has any handouts, pamphlets or brochures, that person could give them to City Council staff when they give Council staff personnel the yellow speaking cards.

     If anyone brings a backpack or a bag larger than a purse into the City Council Chamber, that person would be required to open the pack or bag before crossing the doorway so police and security can look into the pack or bag.


     If anyone has a piece of equipment that is integral to a presentation to the City Council, the person would be asked to clear it with City Council staff 24 hours in advance of the presentation. (The Chair and Vice Chair have suggested that instead of having Council staff clear an item 24 hours in advance of a presentation, security personnel could clear an item the day of the presentation.)


Councilmember Garrott said screening should be done at the door.


     Any time the City Council expected a large crowd for an event to let him know either the Friday or the Monday before the meeting, so he can arrange to have another officer present.

The Chair and Vice Chair also suggested that staff should advertise any new security policies on the City Council website.

Staff also should add a couple of bullet points to the yellow comment cards when they are redesigned and add signage to the doors of the Committee of the Whole Room and the City Council Chamber.


Councilmember Jergensen suggested asking Tim Rodriguez, Risk Management Specialist to talk about what to do in a security incident.  Ed Rutan said he would check to see if there was a closed session provision for security measures.  Councilmember Martin said the issue should be on the Council’s agenda and the Council should be pro-active.


B. For Your Information

1.    Attached are Grant Submissions submitted by the City. 

Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Dave Everitt, Lyn Creswell, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 2/21/2008

SUBJECT: For the good of the game  

FUNDING AGENCY:   United State Golf Association


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Golf Enterprise Fund


DATE SUBMITTED:   1/23/2008


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing    New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant


      Match Required  100%          In Kind     Cash

      Computer Software Development In House    Contract Services   

      New Program (City not performing function now)


SLC Golf applied for $10,000 from the USGA to purchase 75 junior club starter sets with bags and funds to offset the cost of reduces program fees.


Membership Reduced Fee Program - $4,000

30% reduction     40 memberships x $15discount each = $600

60% reduction     30 memberships x $30 discount each = $900

  100%                           50 scholarships x $50 each = $2,500

Each $50 fee includes membership, Basic Skills Clinic and additional discounts on greens fees.


Equipment:  $6,000 

75 junior starter club set w/ bag x $80 per set


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 2/21/2008

SUBJECT:    National Trust Preservation Funds

FUNDING AGENCY:   National Trust for Historic Preservation



COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  Historic Landmark Commission

DATE SUBMITTED:   February 1, 2008


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant


      Match Required  1:1                In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The Senior Historic Preservation Planner, in conjunction with the Historic Landmark Commission will conduct s Historic Structures Report for the 29th Ward Meeting House.  The report will investigate new uses and funding for rehabilitation.  The report will also include a National Register of Historic Places Nomination.

The city council has agreed to provide a $30,000 match.


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 2/21/2008

SUBJECT:    National Trust Preservation Funds

FUNDING AGENCY:   National Trust for Historic Preservation



COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  Historic Landmark Commission

DATE SUBMITTED:   February 1, 2008


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant


      Match Required  1:1                In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The Planning Division will coordinate training by the National Alliance of Preservation Commission educational program, Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP).  The program will be available to Historic Landmark Commission members and staff, city council members, planning commissioners, and other interested elected and appointed officials throughout the state.

The match is met through a Utah Certified Local Government Grant - $6,000



Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 2/21/2008

SUBJECT:    Utah Certified Local Government Program

FUNDING AGENCY:   Utah State Office of Historic Preservation



COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  Historic Landmark Commission

DATE SUBMITTED:   February 1, 2008


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant


      Match Required  1:1                In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


Total Project cost - $40,500

The Senior Historic Preservation in conjunction with the Historic Landmarks Commission will conduct an intensive level survey on Liberty Wells area properties identified during a reconnaissance level historic resource survey completed in 2007.  The funds will be used to hire archeological and historic site surveyors.  Consultants will choose approximately 50 properties from 2,850 building for the intensive survey.  Appropriate sites will include a nomination for National Register of Historic Places.

The Historic Landmarks Commission will also use funds to present a national training program from the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions.  The program will be available to Historic Landmark Commission members and staff, city council members, planning commissioners, and other interested elected and appointed officials throughout the state.

The match is met through National Trust Funds grant and the General Fund.