2007 Council Announcements

January 16, 2007


City Council Announcements

January 16, 2007


1.    Ms. Gust-Jenson said there were no written announcements.  She said the contract for the foothill study was finally ready.  She said the consultant was Bear West Company and asked if the Council was in favor of authorizing the Council Chair to sign the contract.  The Council was in favor.


2.    Ms. Gust-Jenson said the students from the University of Utah who made a presentation to the Council and constructed a display model regarding land use planning concepts along North Temple said they were available on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 - 5:00 at NHS to meet with Council Members.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said she would e-mail a schedule of available dates to the Council.


3.    Ms. Gust-Jenson asked which Council Members were planning on attending the Utah League tomorrow.  Council Members Christensen, Buhler, Turner, Love and Jergensen would attend.