2010 Council Announcements

January 19, 2010


City Council Announcements

January 19, 2010


A.    8:05:49 PM For Your Information


1.    Transportation & Mobility Subcommittee Update: Sidewalk Snow Removal

            Council staff has attached two items pertaining to the Transportation & Mobility Subcommittee’s discussion in December about potential revisions to the ordinance regulating the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks. The first item is a memorandum updating the Subcommittee’s discussion with representatives of the Administration. The second item is a revised table of potential options for civil penalties for failing to clear sidewalks of snow and ice.


Councilmember Martin said the Attorney’s Office should draft an ordinance.  Mr. Weeks asked Council Members if they were comfortable having a separate civil citation for residential property and a separate citation for commercial property (two tier). 

A straw poll was taken regarding having different fines for residential vs. business, all Council Members were in favor of the current structure. 

A straw poll was taken regarding going with the suggested fee schedule, all Council Members were in favor. 

The Council asked staff to place the issue on an agenda rather than announcement and come back with a new more readable chart.  Ms. Gust-Jensen asked if staff could come back with a better fee schedule, all Council Members were in favor.