City Council Announcements
January 23, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Property Conveyances: Does the Council wish to hold any hearings?
a. Public Utilities owns property in Davis County which has been held for potential future sewer reclamation needs. UDOT filed an Order of Immediate Occupancy with the courts, seeking authority to use the property as wetlands mitigation (and "park") for the Legacy Highway. The City has negotiated an increased compensation $14,000 per square acre for approximately 129 acres. This sum should compensate the City for future lands it may need to purchase.
No hearing needed.
b. Public Utilities owns property along the Mountain Dell Golf Course at the mouth of Parley's Canyon which UP&L built a substation on. The Little Dell Dam Project provides power to the dam and treatment plant. Public Utilities is proposing to exchange a perpetual easement for a conservation easement to protect the integrity of the steep surrounding hillside. This is considered a value for value exchange.
Schedule hearing for February 11. 2003
2. Solid Waste Management Quarterly Report: Attached is an informational Quarterly Report for Solid Waste Management. Would Council Members like to schedule a briefing?
No briefing is needed at this time and a semi annual report would be better than a quarterly report at this time The reports should be submitted in June and November.
3. Board Re-appointment: Michael Polacek was appointed to the Public Utilities Advisory Committee on September 3rd of 2002. He is now eligible for re-appointment for a term extending through January 15, 2007. Would the Council like to interview Mr. Polacek again prior to consideration of his re-appointment?
4. Bus Committee: In November of 2000, a bus subcommittee was formed by Council Member Nancy Saxton to address transit issues, and to provide a forum to hear the concerns of transit-dependent bus riders about issues that negatively impact bus service and ridership, and to seek collaboration for their resolution. In February of 2001, the City Council agreed to continue the committee for six months and then reevaluate whether to extend the time frame. Council policy indicates that the Council needs to consider and grant approval to projects that entail over 40 hours of staff work. Council Member Saxton is requesting continued staff support for the bus committee. At the time of the committee's organization, Council Members were asked to recommend individuals from each of their districts to participate on the committee. Does the Council wish to extend the committee and authorize funds and staff time to be used for the bus committee?
The Council will extend the committee and authorize funds and staff time to be used for the next 6 months. The Council will make a formal request to the Transportation Advisory Board to be active in the concerns of transit dependent bus riders.