City Council Announcements
January 9, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Property Conveyances: Does the Council wish to hold any hearings?
a. The Administration has proposed to convey two parcels of property totaling slightly more than half an acre to the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency. The parcels are located on the east side of 500 West Street between 400 South Street and an imaginary extension of 300 South Street. The property is west and south of the Denver Rio Grande Railroad depot. The RDA would like to have title to the property to develop the property in the future. The parcels are remnants of a December 1999 City purchase of Union Pacific property. The City bought the property to obtain a 190-foot-wide right of way in order to build "park-block" islands on 500 West Street between 400 South and 200 South streets. The RDA Board of Directors adopted a motion in November 2001 to approve construction of the park block islands. The RDA contributed funds to the 1999 purchase, and Stephanie Wallace, an employee of the federal Environmental Protection Agency assigned to the RDA, secured $500,000 in federal funds for the purchase. The City paid the balance of the purchase priceYes, Council requested a hearing.
b. Lease agreement for parking improvements between SLC and Judy Bell. The lessee has been using a portion of land along the Jordan and Salt Lake Canal for parking. The City will now be compensated for this use and access to the canal and encroachment thereon will be better monitoredNo, hearing needed.
c. Lease agreement for parking improvements between SLC and Picture Memories, inc. The lessee has been using a portion of land along the Jordan and Salt Lake Canal for parking. The City will now be compensated for this use and access to the canal and encroachment thereon will be better monitored. No, hearing needed.
d. Lease agreement for parking improvements between SLC and Veda Barrie-Weatherbee. The lessee has been using a portion of land along the Jordan and Salt Lake Canal for parking. The City will now be compensated for this use and access to the canal and encroachment thereon will be better monitored. No, hearing needed.
2. The Wasatch Front Regional Council is taking public comment on its long-range plan regarding future transportation development until the year 2030. Council staff contacted the Regional Council's long-range planner this week about a potential deadline for accepting public comment about the plan. According to a voice-mail and subsequent follow-up conversation with the planner, the Regional Council will accept comment until at least May and probably longer. The City Council is likely to adopt its Policy Statement on Downtown Economic Development before May. Would the City Council like staff to prepare a letter to the Regional Council based on the Policy Statement and its November 22 breakfast with Legislators? The Policy Statement contains some specific items regarding mass transit, and Sen. Gene Davis mentioned at the breakfast that the City Council could support extending the proposed West Valley City light-rail line to Sugar House on the spur the Utah Transit Authority has purchased. Yes.
3. ULCT Directory: The Utah League of Cities and Towns has requested a review of their contact information for Council Members for use in their widely distributed directory. They already have on file the home addresses and phone numbers for several of the Council Members. Would the Council prefer staff to request that the home contact information be removed? yes.