2008 Council Announcements

July 1, 2008


City Council Announcements

July 1, 2008


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.    Council Members,

Council staff would like to update you with regards to the proposed citywide HR/Compensation audit.  Phase One of this audit includes creating and administering an employee questionnaire, conducting employee interviews and gathering and analyzing the data.  After Phase One is complete, the City will negotiate the scope of work as well as the contract details for Phase Two of the audit.  The auditor will then proceed – with some further direction from the City – to address the substantive questions from Phase One.

Administrative staff and Council staff recommend using Matrix Consulting Group for the HR/Compensation audit, and will work with Matrix to define the employee questionnaire to ensure the questions are customized for city government employees and address specific issues included in the audit scope.  If the Council agrees, Council staff will prepare a letter of engagement for Matrix Consulting which is to be signed by the Council Chair. 

In addition to using Matrix Consulting Group, a Council Member has suggested the option of using Vincent J. Breglio, Ph.D., formerly with Wirthlin Worldwide, a political and business consulting firm which specialized in polls and their interpretation.  Mr. Breglio has offered his services to assist with the development of the questionnaire in Phase One and the Administration has offered to fund his consulting costs. 


Are Council Members comfortable moving forward with the audit in this direction?  As a reminder, funding for this audit will need to be addressed in a future budget opening during the next fiscal year.  (Attached is a copy of the Compensation Audit Scope for your reference.)  All Council Members present were in favor of moving ahead with the audit and using Mr. Vincent J. Breglio to prepare the questionnaire.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff would have to come before the Council in a budget opening for their consideration for funding of audits.


2.    The Council office has received the Quarterly Housing Report for the Third Quarter, FY 2007-2008.  Would the Council like to hold a briefing on the attached report?  All Council Members present wanted to schedule a briefing during a work session.


3.    Ms. Gust-Jenson said attached was a letter to the Leonardo Center.  She said all Council Members have reviewed the letter.  She said on the final look on of the Council Member’s made an additional suggestion.  She asked the Council to take a look at the revision.  It was decided to take the last sentence of Paragraph 2 completely out of the letter.


4.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff had given the Council a draft of a form that they were hoping they could get the Community Councils to fill out when the want boundaries changed because so many of them right now want their boundaries changed.  She asked the Council to look at the draft and see if it would be helpful at all.  She said they were hoping to get them to provide the staff information.  She asked the Council Members to get back to staff with suggestions.


B.    For Your Information   

1.    Attached is a Grant Submissions submitted by the City.

Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 7/2/2008

SUBJECT:    Salt Lake City Foundation

FUNDING AGENCY:   Salt Lake City Arts Council


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Imagination Celebration, YouthCity Artways


DATE SUBMITTED:   6/13/08    


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant


      Match Required  100%                      In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The Imagination Celebration requested $2,500 to support programming for the 2008-09 performance season.