City Council Announcements
July 2, 2002
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Attached is the Golf Enterprise Marketing Plan. The Administration has noted that there is no immediate fiscal impact on the budget. Once the initiatives of the plan are implemented, new revenues should be generated. This plan is presented in response to Council legislative intent. The plan has been reviewed and approved by the Golf Advisory Board.
Does the Council require a briefing on the Golf Enterprise Marketing Plan?
Attachment: Golf Enterprise Marketing Plan Add as #25 to audit list. All Council Members wanted a briefing.
2. Attached is the Interim Financial Statements for the period ending March 31, 2002. Three items of possible concern and impact are highlighted in the report.
a. Property Taxes receivable and deferred property tax revenue payable have increased significantly. In compliance with the new Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 33, revenue legally claimed but not yet received must be reflected as a receivable and as deferred revenue.
b. Property tax revenue is down $1,952,020.
c. Parking ticket revenue is below budget by $402,000 due to a reduction in the number of hours dedicated to parking enforcement.
Does the Council request a briefing on the Interim Financial Statements?
Attachment: Interim Financial Statements (Nine Months Ending March 31, 2002)
Thorough briefing when six month financials briefing is held prior to budget.
3. Attached is the response to the Fleet Audit by the Department of Public Services. It is noted in the report that there are operational efficiencies possible if the Fleet Division follows the recommendation proposed in the audit report. The Public Services Department is pleased with the audit and the recommendations that it contains. The department included two reports with the response transmittal: the Fleet Action Plan and the Fleet Audit Progress. Beginning in July the Fleet Division will aggressively implement the audit recommendations and monitor the results. The department has chosen not to request budget changes to the fiscal year 2002-2003 budget. Results of implementing the audit recommendations will be reflected in the fiscal year 2003-2004 budget.
Does the Council wish to hold a briefing on the Responses to Fleet Audit?
Attachment: Responses to Fleet Audit Briefing in November or December.
4. Council Member Nancy Saxton is interested in requesting a briefing from the Administration on the proposed Olympic Legacy Cultural Center before the Historical Landmarks Committee's consideration of the proposed center on August 7. The Council Member would like to get a sense of the Council's interest in having Pioneer Park as the site of the proposed center based on the following issues:
a.) The potential costs to the City of maintaining Pioneer Park and managing the cultural center after the first year of management by Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee personnel.
b.) The potential for a number of structures to be built in Pioneer Park to accommodate the public and park managers.
c.) The potential programming list for the park. For example, are there any actual entertainment entities or does potential programming involve only the kinds of entertainment that might be pursued?
d.) The specificity of current designs that do not appear to be interchangeable with any other potential site.
e.) The apparent constraints on the SLOC gift that involve following U.S. Olympic Committee standards that support Olympic sponsors.
Does the Council wish to request a briefing from the Administration? It was decided that Councilmember Buhler would make a phone call to David Burton of the LDS Church.
5. Performance Zoning Advisory Committee. The Planning staff is requesting recommendations from Council Members of names of people that may be interested in participating on an advisory committee for the performance zoning project, preferably one residential and one business property owner. Planning staff is working with a consultant team to establish performance standards, guidelines and incentives that would address compatibility issues relating to small commercial areas and surrounding residential neighborhoods.
Time commitment of Committee members would be:
August to October
Tuesdays, 5:30 to 7:30
Twice a month - six meetings total
The attached documents offer more information regarding the proposed timeline and a more detailed description of the project.
Do Council Members have any suggestions of people that may be interested in serving on this committee? Let Janice Jardine know of any suggestions.
6. Board Re-appointments. John Diamond was interviewed by the Council and appointed to the Planning Commission to fill a vacancy on April 16, 2002. Sandra Secrest Hatch was appointed to the City & County Building Use and Conservancy Committee on February 5, 2002. Both were appointed to replace members that had resigned, and the terms have expired. If re-approved, Mr. Diamond’s term would extend through July 1, 2006 and Ms. Hatch’s term would also extend through July 1, 2006. Do Council Members object to re-appointing Mr. Diamond and Ms. Hatch without follow-up interviews? No interviews.
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
D. Meetings