City Council Announcements
July 6, 2006
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Board re-appointment: Nia Sherar was appointed to the Sister Cities Board to fill a vacancy on February 14, 2006; her expiration date is July 3, 2006. She is now eligible for re-appointment for a term extending through July 2, 2009. Would the Council like to see her application again prior to consideration of her re-appointment or may we put her on the next consent agenda? Council Members did not want to see her application again. They wanted her put on the next Council consent agenda.
2. The Council office has received the Quarterly Housing Report for the Third Quarter, FY 2005-2006. Would the Council like to request a briefing? Council Members had no questions on the grant applications.
3. Councilmember Christensen said they were contemplating on the RDA Board retreat, Thursday, August 17th, and the July RDA meeting and the next Council meeting would be combined. He asked the Council to check their calendars and let staff know by tomorrow.
4. Ms. Gust-Jenson said three meetings had been requested and they were on a tight timeline. She said she needed some feedback as to whether Council Members wanted to attend or decline. One meeting was with Kevin Ketting regarding a housing loan that was on next Tuesday night’s agenda. She said they wanted to meet in small groups with the Council before Tuesday. Councilmember Love said she would be out of town. Councilmember Jergensen said he wanted to meet with them. Councilmember Saxton said she would talk with them on the phone.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said Cindy Cromar and Chris Johnson had requested a meeting regarding issues in District 4. Several Council Members said they would meet with them. She said Dave Spatafore, the developers of Redwood Road and North Temple, will be in town on Wednesday, July 12th. She said a couple of times had been suggested for those who had not recently met with them recently. She said the times were noon or 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Saxton said she was not available. Councilmember Simonsen said he could meet with them at noon for one half hour at his office.
B. For Your Information
1. Attached are several Grant Applications submitted by the City.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 7/7/2006
FUNDING AGENCY: Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: County Health Department, Primary Children’s Medical Center, Other Law Enforcement Agencies, Child Protective Services, State Department of Environmental Health
DATE SUBMITTED: May 31, 2006
Training Supplies Equipment
Existing New Overtime Only Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services:
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake City has received funding for methamphetamine enforcement three times during the past eight years. We have witnessed success in fighting meth through multi-agency partnerships, training and a public awareness campaign. We will continue to foster the multi-agency partnership and joint response approach to the methamphetamine epidemic in Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas. We will link with local, state, and federal initiatives to complement the work of the SL Meth Initiative. In an effort to increase public awareness and training about meth and other dangerous drug activity, we are expanding our public awareness campaign, purchasing investigative supplies and equipment, and overtime for special enforcement projects. This grant application was submitted in tandem with the BJA Meth Grant we submitted last month.