City Council Announcements
June 10, 2004
A. Announcements from May 27
1. Quarterly Housing Report for Fiscal Year 2003-2004, Third Quarter. Does the Council wish to request a briefing?
Housing staff will bring back requested information to Council.
2. Board Reappointment: Esther Hunter was appointed in April to fill a vacancy on the Capital Improvement Program Board. Her term expires on June 7, 2004. The Administration is requesting that she be reappointed for a term extending through June 4, 2007. Would Council Members like to schedule a second interview prior to placing Ms. Hunter’s reappointment on the consent agenda for consideration?
No new interview needed
B. Announcements from May 18
1. Public Utilities is requesting that the City Council form a subcommittee to discuss water issues. Are Council Members interested in participating?
Council Members Saxton, Christensen and Jergensen were interested in participating.
2. Downtown Merchants Association: The Downtown Merchants Association will hold its annual members luncheon on June 16, a Wednesday, on the 23rd floor of the Wells Fargo Building, 299 South Main. The luncheon will mark the Association's 50th Anniversary. Would the Council consider adopting a resolution congratulating the Merchants Association on its anniversary before the June 16th luncheon?
A letter will be sent and some Council Members will attend.
3. Draft of letter to Housing and Urban Development. Issues for Section 8 voucher program which could severely impact the ability of the Housing Authority to continue services.
4. Portland Oregon light rail and transportation issues. On June 18, 2004. Are Council Members interested in participating in the tour?
Interested Council Members will let Council staff know.
C. For Your Information
1. Attached is a grant application regarding homeland security submitted by the City.