2001 Council Announcements

June 5, 2001


City Council Announcements

June 5, 2001


A.    Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff



PROPERTY CONVEYANCE: Do Council Members wish to hold a hearing?

6400 South Wasatch Blvd. / Prowsewood Office Center L.C. Exchange of Waterline Easements.  The existing waterline is being relocated to facilitate development of the property.  By this transaction, the City will disclaim the existing easement and petitioner will grant new easement. The developer will install a new water line for the city. No exchange of funds.  The Council did not wish to hold a heareing.


B.    Council Office Policies

C.    For Your Information

D.    Meetings   


1. Council Meetings in July

Council Chair Roger Thompson has suggested that you leave the nights of June 11th through June 15th free in case you need additional meetings for the budget.

Also, the July 3rd Meeting is cancelled and meetings are scheduled for July 5 and 10.