2005 Council Announcements

June 7, 2005

City Council Announcements


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


.  District Five Town Meeting regarding Liberty Wells Street Lights: The Administration will be sending their recommendations for changes to the Street Lighting Plan to the Council in the coming week. Some of the recommendations will affect what options are available to the Liberty Wells Community. Council Member Love has been working with the Chair of the Liberty Wells Community Council to organize a town meeting to discuss the street lights, and to gain support for the residents’ financial participation in the program. The meeting was originally set for June 15, but to get the most accurate information out to residents, it would be better to wait until after the Council’s discussion on the Lighting Plan. However, the timing may then conflict with the Council Policy regarding the mailing of newsletters and holding meetings during the ten weeks prior to the primary elections. In the Council’s Policy Manual, Section A13 item (i) (attached) states that, “If there is a conflict regarding this policy, a Council Member will have the option of asking the Chair and Vice Chair, or the entire Council, to review and resolve the conflict in question.” Would the Council object to a town meeting being scheduled for sometime in August?  Councilmember Love said the Council needed to think seriously about this issue.