City Council Announcements
March 20, 2007
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Additional Audit Contracts: The Council has had three firms under contract for management/operational audits. One of the firms changed its focus to executive search and is no longer available to assist the Council with audits. When the original audit proposals were evaluated, the next two firms with the highest ratings were K H Consulting Group (Los Angeles) and Maximus (several offices throughout the nation). Both firms are willing to fill in for the remainder of the contract period (2 1/2 years) at the same fees as originally proposed. After the Council requests an audit and a scope is prepared, the usual procedure is to ask the firms under contract for a letter outlining the firm's expertise or experience and outlining the approach and the not-to-exceed fee the firm would charge for the project. The Council's audit subcommittee is recommending that these two firms be added to the pool to provide more resource potential and to create a more competitive selection process. Does the Council wish to increase the audit pool to four firms by contracting with K H Consulting Group and Maximus?
Most Council Member were in favor of adding K H Consulting Group and Maximus.
2. As you may know, Council Member Christensen has been meeting with the Salt Lake Chamber Military Affairs group and representatives from our congressional offices to discuss the possibility of housing and displaying artifacts from the USS SLC Submarine here in Salt Lake City. (The submarine is being decommissioned, ie: dismantled, recycled, nuclear pieces are being removed, etc.)
It is possible that we will be able to acquire on loan from the Navy some ceremonial pieces and artifacts from the USS SLC Submarine to house and display in the City and County Building. Preliminary estimates for construction of a wood cabinet (similar to those currently housing sister artifacts on the third floor) have come in at approximately $8,000, with the most likely source of funding being fund balance. Assuming approval from the Administration and the Building Use & Conservancy Committee, Council Member Christensen is asking the Council for initial support to use fund balance from the City’s General Fund for the construction of a wood cabinet to house artifacts from the USS Salt Lake City.
Does the Council wish to express support for this effort, with the understanding that more information will be provided in the future, and that this request could be added to the next budget opening?
Several options were discussed and Council Members were in favor. Some Council Members were in favor of having the display at Fort Douglas.
3. Council Member Love was contacted by D5 constituents, John and Karen Hodge who live at 1420 Roosevelt Avenue. They applied for an alley vacation nearly a year ago for 1420 East Roosevelt Avenue and 1419 East Emerson Avenue, Petition No. 400-06-25. According to Jill, this petition has taken a year to process, and Jill is asking for the Council’s support in moving this petition forward.
The state requires alley vacations to be advertised once a week for four weeks. In order to meet advertising requirements for a Public Hearing on April 17th, the advertising would need to begin by March 21st. Council Member Love is asking if the Council would be willing to begin advertising for the Public Hearing prior to the briefing on this petition. If the Council would like to move forward with the advertising, the Council could confirm the Public Hearing date of April 17th on the April 3rd agenda.
All Council Members were in favor of advertising prior to the briefing.
4. Question regarding UTA route changes should go to UTA.
Councilmember Simonsen proposed a resolution or letter expressing Council concerns and requesting the best service that UTA can supply.
Councilmember Saxton was concerned with handicapped citizens being able to use bus service. Council Members were all willing to handle some problems on their own.
B. For Your Information
1. Attached are several Grant applications submitted by the City.
Grant Submission Notification Memo
TO: Steve Fawcett, Sam Guevara, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 3/16/2007
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Office of the Mayor
DATE SUBMITTED: March 15, 2007
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides 1 FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: Continuation funding for the Coalition Coordinator that is grant funded currently.
Match Required 100% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The Office of the Mayor submitted the continuation application to the Drug Free Community Support Program Grant for continuation funding for the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs. The request is for $100,000 to continue the Coalition’s activities for the 2007-2007 program year.
The City is providing an in-kind match of $54,254 through staff salaries, fringe benefits, printing, and postage.
The non-City in-kind match of $45,746 is provided by partner agencies including Bach Harrison, professional speakers presenting at Coalition activities and workshops, community grant awardees, and the volunteer time of the Coalition members.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Lyn Creswell, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 3/22/2007
SUBJECT: 2007 Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program – Enhancement Grant
FUNDING AGENCY: Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Salt Lake County Criminal Justice Service, SLC Police Dept.
DATE SUBMITTED: March 6, 2007
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Explanation: The grant request police officer overtime to serve bench warrants issued by Drug Court
Match Required 25% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
1. Police Overtime to serve bench warrants issued by Drug Court
2. IMS programming and equipment to update programming to streamline Drug Court participant tracking and reporting. IMS will also install cable to plug judges and prosecutors’ computers into laptops used by CJS case mangers.
3. Strengthen incentive and sanction program by surveying drug courts and purchasing items to assist in the program.
4. Perform an evaluation of the efficacy of Misdemeanor Drug Court and the socio-economic impact of Misdemeanor Drug as opposed to Felony Drug Court.
5. Temporary, part-time court clerk to assist inputting CAT client information in JEMS.
6. Assign additional bailiff to Drug Court when calendar is lengthy due to increased warrant service by SLCPD
7. Hire Independent evaluator to study socio-economic impact and efficacy of Misdemeanor Drug Court Program
SLCPD Overtime 2 officers x $40/hour x 10 hrs/week x 52 weeks $41,600.00
SLC IMS Computer Programming 160 hours x $66/hour 10,560.00
Grant Management 100 hours x $25/ hour 2,500.00
Training 3 people (Judge Cutler & 2 IMS staff) $ 3,426.00
Cable and KVM Switch five courtrooms $ 9,750.00
Incentive Program Tangible Items for incentives 3,000.00
TBD Hire Independent Evaluator to study $50,000.00
(Utah Criminal Justice Center efficacy of Misdemeanor Drug Court
or Bach Harrison)
AppleOne Hire part-time temporary court clerk $ 5,076.00
Court Transportation Additional Bailiff during Drug Court $ 774.00
& Bailiff Services, LLC
Total Project $126,686.00
Federal Portion (75%) 94,827.00
City Portion (25%) match 31,609.00
Computation |
Total | |
Judge L.K. Cutler |
$93,352/year x 5% |
4,667.6 | |
Marian Graves, Criminal Section Manager |
49,820/year x 8% |
3,985.6 | |
Kimberley Merrill, Court Clerk |
$30,616/year x 44% |
13,471.04 | |
Total Personnel |
22,124.24 | |
| |
Judge L.K. Cutler |
$21748/year x 5% |
1,087.4 | |
Marian Graves |
$17192/year x 8% |
1,375.36 | |
Kimberley Merrill |
$16024/year x 44% |
7,050.56 | |
Total Fringe Benefits |
9,513.32 | |
Total Match |
31,637.56 |