City Council Announcements
March 4, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Legislative Action Item
Council Member Carlton Christensen would like to request that the Administration reevaluate the non-conforming use and non-complying structure regulations in the Zoning Ordinance Section 21A.38. Recently, Council Member Christensen was contacted by a property owner who is having difficulty refinancing his non-conforming apartments at a reasonable rate. In the past several years other Council Members have also been contacted by property owners who have experienced difficulty in selling, financing or insuring their properties at a competitive rate. Planning staff has indicated that it may be appropriate to update the current non-conforming use and non-complying structure requirements to allow a case by case evaluation of uses and provide options for reconstruction in certain instances. Please see the attached Legislative Action for details. Would the Council support this request or would Council Members prefer to discuss this during a future Work Session? Carlton said he would be happy to discuss this with Council Members.
2. Airport Parking Courtesy Cards
Each Council Member should have an “Airport Parking Courtesy Card”, which allows you to park for free in Short Term Parking at the Salt Lake City Airport. Once leaving the short term parking garage, you simply show the card to the attendant and do not need to pay. Does each Council Member have a card? All Council Members have a card.
3. Small Group meetings with Congressman Rob Bishop
Council Members previously indicated an interest in setting up small group meetings with Congressman Rob Bishop. He would be available on Monday, March 17th or Friday, March 21st. Are Council Members available on either of those days to meet? All Council Members wanted to meet.
4. Prohibition of Ticket Resale
On November 12, 2002, the Council received a briefing on a proposed ordinance to prohibit the resale of tickets on the same block face of any stadium, theatre or place of amusement. Based on questions raised during the Council Work Session (including narrowing the ordinance to sports complexes/arenas), the Administration indicated they would meet with Delta Center Officials to determine their issues pertaining to sidewalk ticket sales, and then provide a revised ordinance. Are Council Members interested in the status of this proposed ordinance? Let it die.
5. Property Conveyances
a. Quit Claim Deed conveying the City’s interest in a strip of land located at 747 East 500 South to Kathryn Fetzer in exchange for land previously deeded to the City. Conveyance requested by Salt Lake City Property Management , Friends of Gilgal Garden and Kathryn Fetzer, to facilitate the development of Gilgal Garden by resolving existing encroachments. Would Council Members like to request a hearing? No hearing needed.
b. Petition to enter into a Lease Agreement for an encroachment on the public right-of-way at 563 West 200 South (currently Hong Kong Tea House). Planned improvements include an aerial canopy and a stone lion statue on each side of the door. Sidewalk access will not be impeded. Compensation tendered is proposed to be $350 for a five year term. Would Council Members like to request a hearing? No hearing needed.
B. Council Office Policies
1. Change in Policy for Boards and Commissions
According to LeRoy Hooton, the Council and Public Utilities Advisory Committee made a conscious decision 20 years ago to have a member of the Metropolitan Water Board serve on the Public Utilities Advisory Committee to allow for close coordination. In 1999, LeRoy recommended Leland Myers, a PUAC Member, to fill a vacancy on the Metro Water Board with the understanding from the Council that the appointment would reestablish the practice of dual service.
The Council’s Policy currently reads as follows:
Individuals should serve on only one board or commission at a time, thus allowing more people to serve on boards.
A suggested modification:
Individuals should serve on only one board or commission at a time, thus allowing more people to serve on boards (with the exception of allowing a member of the Public Utilities Advisory Committee to serve on the Metropolitan Water Board).
Does the Council wish to modify its policy to recognize the current practice of allowing a Public Utilities Advisory Committee member to serve on the Metropolitan Water Board? Schedule this for another night.
C. For Your Information
1. Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Transmittal
Council Members previously requested that staff provide large transmittal packets well in advance of the scheduled briefing, to allow more time for review. Attached is the transmittal for Ordinance: Petition No. 400-02-30, adopt the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. This item has not yet been scheduled for a briefing.
2. New Federal Courthouse workshop
Council staff has attached a summary of a design workshop for the planned new federal courthouse held February 25.
D. Upcoming Appointments (see attached goldenrod sheet)
E. Upcoming Agenda items (see attached goldenrod sheet)
F. Informational Mail items received (see attached goldenrod sheet)
Additional City Council Announcements
March 4, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. Would Council Members be available to meet the last Tuesday or Thursday of March if budget or land-use issues need to be continued? (That would be the 25th or 27th respectively.) The March 6 (Thursday) meeting has been cancelled.Carlton asked Council Members to check their calendars for Tuesday, March 25th.
2. Registration for the ULCT Mid-Year conference in St. George must be in by March 26. The conference runs Thursday and Friday April 10-11. Brochures are available in the front office. Carlton can not attend. Nancy will be attending.
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
1. Budget Amendment No. 12: The briefing and set date are scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th. The hearing is now scheduled for Thursday, the 20th. Attached is the paperwork for the Council’s advance review.
2. Council staff has received a copy of the Administration’s PowerPoint presentation for the meetings with Community Councils, Chamber and Downtown Alliance about the Plaza. We can make a copy for anyone who would like to see it.
3. Attached is a letter from the Mayor and Council Member Carlton Christensen to Senator James Evans regarding issues that the Council was contacted about over the past week.
4. The Administration has some very minor changes for the KUTV contract. They may necessitate a revised resolution. We will get details to you tomorrow.