2004 Council Announcements

March 9, 2004


City Council Announcements

March 9, 2004



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Utah League of Cities & Towns Legislative Policy Committee

      The Utah League of Cities & Towns Legislative Policy Committee is requesting that the League's respective members submit the names of Policy Committee members for reappointment or the names of elected officials for appointment to the Committee. The League will ratify the reappointments or appointments at its spring conference in mid-April. Currently, Council Member Dale Lambert is listed as a member of the Policy Committee. Council Member Nancy Saxton also served on the Policy Committee by virtue of her membership on the League's Executive Committee. Is any Council Member interested in serving or continuing to serve on the Policy Committee? The Committee meets once a month until the Utah Legislature convenes. The Committee meets weekly during the Legislature's session.  Councilmember Christensen said he would serve if no other Council Members wanted to.  He asked staff to check with Councilmember Jergensen.


2. Given that the role of Community Affairs has changed, Council staff suggests that the following section be deleted from the Council Member Policy Manual:




a. The City Council works with the Office of Community Affairs on matters relating to the community. Council staff serve as the Council’s liaison with Community Affairs. Cooperation includes, but is not limited to, district meetings, special community meetings, letters and flyers to the community, work with community councils, resolution of complex complaints and special projects.

b. District Meetings:

      1. Council staff will notify Community Affairs of the dates of the meetings.

      2. A letter from the Council Chairperson is sent to the Mayor, with a copy to the       Mayor’s relevant staff, Community Affairs staff and department directors.     Community Affairs will work with the Mayor’s Office to ensure that City     department heads are notified and will work with Council staff to provide relevant information to the Council Member.

      3. The City Recorder's Office takes the minutes of the district meetings.

      4. Council staff will make all other arrangements for district meetings including:       press release, meeting accommodations, newsletter preparation, flyer    preparation, and other forms of public notice as agreed upon by the Council    Member and Council staff.

c. Complaints:

      1. Council staff and Community Affairs will keep each other apprised of       complaints that are received.

      2. The Administration and Council have developed a system whereby the   Community Affairs staff and Council staff research complaints that are      Administrative in nature.

      3. Council staff will communicate complaints to the respective Council Member       as well as contact the appropriate division and request a response to the complaint.

d. Community Meetings:

      1. Community Affairs is responsible for preparation of mailings and flyers related to community councils. Council staff will coordinate with Community Affairs,     as requested by Council Members.

      2. When special community meetings are requested by Council Members, the      Council staff shall prepare the notices, letters or flyers, in cooperation with       Community Affairs.

      3. Community Affairs does have a mailing budget, but any special requests,    other than regular community council notices, need to be approved in    advance through the Mayor’s designee.




3. The Mayor has been working with The Leonardo to develop a set of criteria for the matching funds that must be raised by The Leonardo. The language in the bond resolution that the Council adopted requires a dollar for dollar match from The Leonardo before the City will issue a general obligation bond for the refurbishment of the old library building. Council staff has provided the Council subcommittee on this issue with a memo and summary of the general obligation bond authorization and adoption process. Subcommittee members are Council Members Buhler, Jergensen and Love.


      The proposed agreement that the Mayor has negotiated conforms to the Council adopted resolution that details the match requirements for The Leonardo project. The Mayor would like Council Chair Love to sign the agreement. Other signatories to the agreement are the Mayor and the Chair of the Library Square Foundation, Joe Andrade.  Council Members were in favor of putting the item on a formal agenda.

The proposed agreement is attached.


4. Posting minutes on the Council’s website. Currently, the Recorder’s office prepares minutes of the formal meetings for the Council to approve. Once the minutes are approved by the Council, the Recorder’s Office works with Council staff to have the final minutes posted on the web. Based on requests from community members to have more immediate access to the minutes, would Council Members feel comfortable with posting draft minutes on the web until the final minutes have been approved? Proper wording would be included so that people accessing the draft minutes would know that final approval is pending.   No. 


5. Additional information was requested by the Council to extend Mr. Daniel J. H. Greenwood’s term to the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board.  Mr. Greenwood was appointed to the Board in July of 2003 to fill a vacancy that expired in less than six months.  Mr. Greenwood was interviewed by the Council July 1, 2003. Would the Council be in favor of reappointing Mr. Greenwood without a second interview?  His new term ending date would be December 25, 2006.  Yes


Additional Issue:  Councilmember Christensen said he was concerned about the property conveyance (Item G-4) adopted on the consent agenda during the formal meeting.  He said he did not know if that could be cancelled.  He said he was concerned about the City obligating itself for 5 years with an option to renew.  He said he was ok with a month-to-month lease.  He asked someone to check what options were available to cancel the lease. 


B. For Your Information


1. Please see the attached memos for notification and details of grant applications. 


2. UTA has provided one copy of the 2004 Budget Document; also included is the Minutes from the Board O Trustees meeting held January 28, 2004 and an Article from a Transit oriented magazine which highlights Utah Transit Authority and Salt Lake City’s Light Rail. The article is by John Inglish. If you would like a copy of any of this, let us know and we will get it to you.