Additional City Council Announcements
May 11, 2010
A. Information Needed by council Staff
Item #1 below Staff is requesting clarification about who should
serve on the Utah League Legislative Policy Committee.
How does the City Council wish to apportion voting membership on the Utah
League Legislative Policy Committee? Councilmember Simonsen said he might be interested.
1. Utah League of Cities & Towns Legislative Policy committee Membership.
The Utah League of Cities and Towns has requested that all Utah municipalities submit a form by May 15 for each person who is a voting or non-voting member of the League’s Legislative Policy Committee.
However, because the Policy Committee has become a popular part of
participating in the League, the League plans to limit each city’s voting members to
three. That still allows any number of people to complete the form as a non-voting member, but each municipality - unless it has officials serving on the League’s
Board of Directors -is limited to three voting members.
Salt Lake City currently has two people - Council Members Love and
Christensen - who serve on the League Board, and they will be voting members of
the Policy Committee as long as they hold their respective Board offices.
Generally, the Administration has had a voting representative on the Policy
Committee, and it is probable the current Administration plans to continue to have
a voting representative. That leaves two slots for City Council Members to serve
as voting members on the Policy Committee. Earlier this year, the Council designated
the City Council Chair to serve as a voting member of the Policy Committee when
Council Member Christensen was appointed to the League Board. It should be
noted that the Council Chair and Vice Chair and the RDA Chair make up the
Council’s Legislative Committee.
A sample appointment form is below:
The following information should be completed and submitted to the
ULCT by May 15, 2010. Questions or concerns, please call Lincoln at
Have you served on LPC before? (YIN):
Voting or Non-Voting Member Request:
2. Letter for your approval:
The Council discussed the Small Business Initiative last week, and approved the concept provided in the proposal from Bob Farrington for the use of the $10,000 funds. A letter has been prepared for your review and approval.
May 11, 2010
Bob Farrington
Deputy Director
Community & Economic Development
P0 Box 145486
Salt Lake City Utah 84114-5486
Dear Bob:
Thank you for the Small Business Initiative Proposal provided to the Council. The proposal was helpfhl in gaining an understanding df the purposes a!ndgbals behind the $10,000 allocated for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. The Council is supportive of the proposal and gives approval to move forward as outlined. However, with the closing of the fiscal year, the Council may re-appropriate the finds for the 2010-2011 fiscal year within the Community & Economic Development Budget.
Thank you for your continued diligent efforts to grow neighborhood businesses.
JT Martin
Salt Lake City Council, Chair
cc: City Council Members
Mayor Ralph Becker
David Everitt, Mayor’s Chief of Staff
Frank Gray, Community & Economic Development Director
Mary De La-Mare Schaeffer, Community & Economic Development Deputy Director
Gina Chamness, Senior Administrative Analyst
Gordon Hoskins, Administrative Services Deputy Director
Sylvia Richards, City Council Budget Analyst (CED)
Brent Beck, Community & Economic Development Financial Analyst
Is the attached letter approved? Yes
City Council Announcements
May 11, 2010
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. The Council office has received the Quarterly Housing Report for the Third Quarter, FY 2009-2010.
Would the Council like to hold a briefing on the attached report? No
Ms. Gust-Jenson said to confirm with everyone, we had our last meeting with the preservation working group until after the budget. She said everything is on hold until the budget is adopted.