City Council Announcements
May 13, 2008
A. Information Needed by Council Staff
1. Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff was still taking appointments for budget lunches. She said one person was scheduled tomorrow and asked Council Members to let staff know if they wanted to join.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said a list was provided to the Council of sub-committee dates and times which were currently scheduled. She said asked Council Members to look at that and let staff know if there were any conflicts or if any changes were needed.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said grant notices where included in Council Members packets.
A. For Your Information
1. Attached are four (5) Grant Submissions submitted by the City.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 5/14/2008
SUBJECT: Utah State Trails and Pathways
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Division of Parks and Recreation
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 50% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Salt Lake City and Davis County submitted a joint application for funds to complete the Jordan River Trailway from Redwood Road (1800 west) to the junction of I-215 and the Legacy Highway.
The SLC portion will include trail improvement, including paving and an equestrian path, improvement of an existing bridge, and a raised deck pathway over wetlands. Davis County will improve existing trail and access roads with paving and add an equestrian path.
The project total is $1,316,147. SLC portion is $977,600. Davis County’s portion is $338,547. Each jurisdiction is assuming ½ of its cost as match for the grant funding request.
The total length of the trail improvement is 11,208 linear feet, 5,808 in Davis County and 5,400 in SLC.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 5/14/2008
SUBJECT: Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (STOP Act)
FUNDING AGENCY: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Mayor’s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
DATE SUBMITTED: April 24, 2008
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 100% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
The Mayor’s Coalition on ATOD requested $50,000 to enhance on-going activities for reducing and preventing underage drinking. The coalition will contract with the University of Utah for two (2) part-time interns. One intern will coordinate all STOP Act funded activities and the second intern will work specifically with SLC high schools in organizing Governing Youth Councils in each school. Grant funds will be used to include Horizonté School in training opportunities for state Governing Youth Council and National Youth Leadership Initiative training. Horizonté School was not included in earlier grant requests
Grant funds were also requested to mail Strengthening Families Program DVDs to families with only 9th and/or 10th grade students in the SLC School District. This enhances an existing city-wide distribution plan for the program.
Funds were also requested to public awareness campaigns educating the public and existing and potential new ordinances concerning adult complicity in providing alcohol to minors.
The SLC PD will receive $7,500 to develop software to help track ordinances associated with loud parties/music which often involve alcohol and underage drinking for more consistent enforcement.
Additional funds for evaluation were requested.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 5/14/2008
SUBJECT: Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
FUNDING AGENCY: Utah Division of Homeland Security
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Emergency Management Services
DATE SUBMITTED: March 18, 2008
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 50% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
This is an annual grant that provides $25,000 match for the Emergency Manager’s salary.
The 2008 request an additional $27,000 for three (3) special projects;
1) Vulnerable Populations Preparedness Program – to identify citizens considered as “special needs” during evacuation or rescue to develop strategies and collaborations with other agencies and community organizations and address preparedness needs of vulnerable populations
2) Salt Lake City Mitigation Plan Update and Revision – the mitigation pan has not been updated in eight (8) years.
3) SLC Neighborhood Preparedness Project
a. update and upgrade web site.
b. produce an emergency preparedness DVD for those without access to the internet
c. prepare and distribute a basic emergency preparedness flyer that includes to access web site or the DVD.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 5/14/2008
SUBJECT: Urban Area Security Initiative – Investment Justifications
FUNDING AGENCY: US Department of Homeland Security
REQUESTED AMOUNT: $ 16,210,718
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Salt Lake City Urban Area
COLLABORATING AGENCIES: Salt Lake County, State of Utah
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides 5 FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required 0% In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
In 2008, Salt Lake City was designated an Urban Area Security Initiative area. The urban area includes agencies within Salt Lake County. Representatives of urban area jurisdictions formed an Urban Area Working Group (UAWG) to develop a strategic plan and develop a regional emergency operations plan in collaboration with the public and private sectors. Salt Lake City will serve as the fiscal agent for the funds received from the 2008 request. The Salt Lake Urban Area is developing a charter and by-laws and will become an independent entity. The UAWG identified five areas as priority to receive funding in 2008. The UAWG submitted the justifications for investing Homeland Security funds as part of the state’s Homeland Security Program application. The five investment justifications submitted by the UAWG are;
Project Management/Planning - $265,000
This provides two FTE for the Salt Lake Urban Area, the Urban Area Director and the Financial Manager. The request also includes office space and equipment costs.
Regional Training - $400,000
This provides funding for one FTE, the Regional Training Manager and training development and implementation costs. This also includes backfill and overtime.
Public Safety Access Points (PSAP) - $9,293,718
PSAP is a trailer that contains communications equipment to provide dispatch backup for incoming 911 calls and provides interoperability among PSAP systems and the Emergency Operations Center during a multi-jurisdictional response.
Information Sharing/Fusion Center - $1,137,000
This provides for one FTE, the Fusion Center Manager. This investment will support the development of a technology solution to mining for information collected by state and federal agencies and available for analysis by urban area intelligence analysts. Funds are also requested to provide training for use of the technology and data collection, analysis, and dissemination.
Mobile Interoperability Tactical Solution (MITS) - $5,115,000
The investment provides for one FTE, the Communications Manager MITS is a system mounted in a large SUV response vehicle, support truck and a 800 Mhz repeater truck with communications equipment that can be deployed anywhere to provide back-up and expand communications capabilities in large scale event response. Funding is requested for two MITS units, training for urban area personnel for deployment and training for first responders. This also includes backfill and overtime.
Grant Submission Update Memo
TO: Dave Everitt Lyn Creswell, Jennifer Bruno, Ben McAdams
FROM: Grant Acquisition Team
DATE: 5/14/2008
SUBJECT: Salt Lake City Foundation
FUNDING AGENCY: REI Education And Conservation Foundation
DEPARTMENT APPLYING: Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center – Sport Department
Technical Assistance (Training) Equipment Only
Provides FTE Position(s)
Existing New Overtime Requires Funding After Grant
Match Required % In Kind Cash
Computer Software Development In House Contract Services
New Program (City not performing function now)
Sorenson Center Sports program requested funds to purchase Rock Climbing, Cross Country Skiing, and Snowshoeing equipment for the Getting Glendale Youth Outdoors program.
Item |
# |
Cost |
Total |
Nordic Skiing |
Ski Boots |
18 |
$60 |
$1,080 |
Skis |
15 |
$80 |
$1,200 |
poles |
15 |
$15 |
$225 |
$2,505 |
Snowshoeing |
Snowshoes |
15 |
$70 |
$1,050 |
$1,050 |
Rock Climbing |
Shoes |
10 |
$40 |
$400 |
Rope Bag |
5 |
$25 |
$125 |
Chalk Bag |
5 |
$10 |
$50 |
Chalk |
10 |
$4 |
$40 |
Harnesses |
10 |
$40 |
$400 |
Carabineers |
6 |
$17 |
$102 |
belay devices |
5 |
$25 |
$100 |
Helmet |
5 |
$50 |
$225 |
$1,442 |
Total Award from REI |
$4,997 |