2007 Council Announcements

May 15, 2007


City Council Announcements

May 15, 2007


A. Information Needed by Council Staff


1.    Two long-time Salt Lake City administrators, LeRoy Hooton Jr., and Nancy Tessman, have either been recognized for their service or will retire from public service shortly. Both present opportunities for the City Council to honor them publicly. The Council Chair has OK’d an idea to honor Nancy Tessman before she retires after 30 years of service in the Salt Lake City Library System. One date under consideration is June 5 – in part because Ms. Tessman plans to leave June 6 to speak at a library conference in Denmark. Council staff has sent each member a draft letter inviting Salt Lake City Library Board members to a brief dinner at 6:15 p.m. on June 5. The dinner would be followed by City Council adoption of a resolution honoring Ms. Tessman at the Council’s formal meeting. Council staff would like to send the letters and prepare for the June 5 event for Ms. Tessman if the City Council is OK with the idea. Staff also would like to start preparing similar plans to honor Mr. Hooton at a later date. Is the City Council OK with preparations for the two events?  Council Members were in favor of honoring Nancy Tessman now and postponing LeRoy Hooton’s recognition to a future date.  Some Council Members felt more discussion might be warranted because the Council may want to recognize other long-term employees.


Additional Announcements

May 15, 2007


A. Information Needed by Staff


1. Living Traditions Festival on Washington Square --  Friday, May 18th thru Sunday, May 20th Beginning Thursday, May 17, at 6 a.m., Council Members please remember that your parking spaces will be displaced temporarily from the east side of the City & County Building to 500 South (north side)– Parking spaces for each Council District will be clearly marked adjacent to the mid-sidewalk of Washington Square on the north side of 500 South. 

      Attached is an upcoming schedule for events when your parking spaces will be displaced – Council staff will give you a heads up prior to each event. Ms. Gust-Jenson said parking would be blocked off on Thursday and stalls would be reserved on the south side of the building.


2. State Law has been changed – Special Improvement Districts are no longer referred as SIDs, rather they are referred to as “Special Assessment Areas” (SAAs). Council staff met with the Administration and was briefed by Ballard Spahr, Bond Counsel, regarding recent changes in State law for Special Assessment Areas.  New State law requires that the Board of Equalization and Review consists of:  1) the Office of City Engineer; 2) Treasurer’s Office; and 3) a City Council Member.  According to State Code, the Board of Equalization and Review shall meet three consecutive nights for one hour each (typically the Administration schedules the meetings for a different hour for each night – generally 3:00-4:00 p.m.; 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. or 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.).


      According to the Administration, the Council Member who plans to attend should plan on one hour each evening.  The Administration reports that they are aware of only one Board of Equalization and Review remaining to be scheduled for 2007; however, typically there may be approximately 3-4 Board of Equalization and Reviews on an annual basis.   Ms. Gust-Jenson said this was just a warning and staff would get back with the Council with specific dates.


The Council may wish to discuss your preference on how to cover for these meetings:

o     Designate a Council Member to serve for the entire year.

o     Designate a Council Member to serve if the SAA is located in a Council Member(s) district

o     Rotate Council Members

o     Designate a Council Member based upon availability


B. For Your Information


1. Attached are several Grant applications submitted by the City.


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Sam Guevera, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 5/16/2007

SUBJECT:    State Asset Forfeiture Grant

FUNDING AGENCY:   State of Utah, Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Police Department

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  Salt Lake City Police Department

DATE SUBMITTED:   May 8, 2007


      Training                      Supplies                 Equipment


            Existing          New             Overtime Only       Requires Funding After Grant

      Match Required                       In Kind        Cash           

           Cash “Buy Money” for narcotics detectives

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services:  produce PSA’s

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The Salt Lake City Police Department is applying for funding from Utah State Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice for the 2007-08 State Asset Forfeiture Grant.  The proposal requests $20,000, during the 2007-08 fiscal year, for the purpose of purchasing supplies and small equipment for the gang and narcotics units of the police department.  During the past year (2006), SLCPD confiscated cash and property, through drug cases, in the amount of approximately $300,000.  That money, by law, goes to the State of Utah (except for federal cases) and is split three ways.  1/3 goes to education, 1/3 goes to Task Forces, and 1/3 can go back to the agencies that contributed.  That final third is dispersed through competitive grants.  During the past fiscal year, SLCPD contributed approximately $200,000 of the $166,000 available in the competitive grants program.  We are eligible to apply for up to $20,000 of those funds.  The supplies that will be purchased include: computer equipment, drug detecting, and covert transmitter equipment, as well as $5,000 in cash for “buy money” to use for purchasing drugs as part of an ongoing investigation (as evidence) or for immediate arrest of a person(s).


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Sam Guevera, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 5/16/2007

SUBJECT:    State Gang Mini-Grant

FUNDING AGENCY:   State of Utah, Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Police Department

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  West Valley City Police Department, Glendale Community Council, Colors of Success, Inc., 3rd District Juvenile Court, SLC Downtown Business Alliance, Utah Board of Juvenile Justice Dream Center, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake

DATE SUBMITTED:   May 4, 2007


      Training                      Supplies                 Equipment


            Existing          New             Overtime Only       Requires Funding After Grant

      Match Required                       In Kind        Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services:  produce PSA’s; evaluation

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The Salt Lake City Police Department is applying for funding from Utah State Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice for the 2007-08 Gang mini-grant.  The proposal requests $45,000, during the 2007-08 fiscal year, for the purpose of implementing a gang intervention program for youth who are interested in leaving the gang, or ordered to participate by the courts.  This program, Project 180, is a proven intervention program, developed by West Valley City Police Department.  WVCPD has agreed to share the program, train our officers and volunteers, and to refer youth and volunteers to our program. 


Further, funding is requested to purchase and install a video surveillance system, as a pilot project,  in a public area at which frequent gang crimes occur.  The system will be well advertised to the public, through PSA’s, media releases, and signage.  It is our belief that the system will be an effective tool for crime prevention, as well as a tool for evidence of crimes.  An evaluation of the overall project will be contracted through an independent research firm.


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Sam Guevera, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 5/16/2007

SUBJECT:    State Crime Prevention Grant

FUNDING AGENCY:   State of Utah, Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Police Department

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  Downtown Business Alliance, Glendale Community Council, Walgreens Pharmacies, Local Clubs, Mecham Properties, Sugar House Furniture, Blue Boutique, Fiddlers Elbow, Salt Lake Pizza & Pasta, Smith-Crown Co., other  local businesses and Community Councils

DATE SUBMITTED:   May 4, 2007


      Training                      Supplies                 Equipment


            Existing          New             Overtime Only       Requires Funding After Grant

      Match Required                       In Kind        Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services:  produce PSA’s

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The Salt Lake City Police Department is applying for funding from Utah State Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice for the 2007-08 State Crime Prevention Grant.  The proposal requests $49,500, during the 2007-08 fiscal year, for the purpose of implementing a video surveillance program.  There are two types of  programs that will be implemented.  First, funding is requested to purchase and install a video surveillance system, as a pilot project,  in a public area at which frequent crimes occur.  The system will be well advertised to the public, through PSA’s, media releases, and signage.  It is our belief that the system will be an effective tool for crime prevention, as well as a tool for evidence of crimes. 


The second piece of the program is a video surveillance project at private businesses, in which the business agrees to purchase  the system and install it in areas designated by the police department.  If the business owner agrees to place the cameras where the PD directs, allows 24 hour access to the video data (upon request), agrees to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, and purchases a system approved by the PD, the business owner would then be eligible for 50% reimbursement, up to $1,500.  Priority will be given to businesses that have had extensive crime problems, retail businesses in areas that attract youth and young adults as a “hangout”, bars and nightclubs, banks, and other areas (designated by the PD) based on past criminal activity. All of the reimbursements will be paid by grant funds.  This portion has been modeled from a program in Palm Desert California.  The Palm Desert PD has agreed to share all aspects of the program with Salt Lake City.


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Sam Guevera, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 5/16/2007

SUBJECT:    State VOCA (Victims of Crime)

FUNDING AGENCY:   State of Utah, Office of Crime Victim Reparations


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Police Department

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:  SLC Prosecutor’s Office, SL County Criminal Justice Services, SLC Justice Court, certified Domestic Violence treatment provider agencies, SL Area Safe at Home Coalition, SL Area Sexual Assault Response Team, Rape Recover Center, SL Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners, SL County District Attorney Counseling Unit, Utah State Crime Lab, YWCA, South Valley Sanctuary,

DATE SUBMITTED:   April 23, 2007   


      Training                      Supplies                 Equipment


            Existing          New             Overtime Only       Requires Funding After Grant

      Match Required                       In Kind        Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services: 

      New Program (City not performing function now)


The Salt Lake City Police Department is applying for ongoing funding from Utah State Office of Crime Victim Reparations for the 2007-08 VOCA grant.  The proposal requests $38,357.25 for the purpose of providing two part-time victim advocates, as well as essential training for advocates and detectives during the 2007-08 fiscal year.  This funding has been received by the Police Department for many years, and partially funds these positions.  The remainder of the employees’ salaries is paid by Salt Lake City.