City Council Announcements
May 27, 2003
A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff
1. A copy of your current coverage information was in an envelope at your chair for the Tuesday May 20th Council Meeting. Benefit packets need to be turned in and completed by May 30th 2003 if any changes or additions are to be made. Please remember that Altius Dental is no longer available if you had that coverage you will need to add a new coverage by May 30, 2003. Ms. Gust-Jenson said Council Members needed to turn any changes in to Vicki by May 30, 2003.
2. Legislative Action Item: (Please see attached.) Council Member Dave Buhler would like to request that the Administration re-evaluate sections of the zoning ordinance relating to fences in front yard areas in residential zoning districts. Would the Council support this request or would Council Members prefer to discuss this request further during a work session briefing? Councilmember Christensen said a Legislative Intent would be placed on the next agenda.
3. Property Conveyance: Public Utilities has a mosquito abatement area which is to be leased to the Wingate Village Town Homes, 1768 W 400 North. The home owners association will maintain the property as part of their park area. It was approved by the Planning Commission in 1994 (paperwork attached). $1000 annual lease payment with CPI adjustments. Does the Council wish to hold a hearing? No
4. Quarterly Housing Report for Fiscal Year 2002-03, third Quarter. Would the Council like to hold a briefing on the attached report? Councilmember Christensen said the Council boundaries had not been updated.
5. Discussion was held on whether or not to hire outside counsel to review Main Street issues. Councilmember Christensen asked Council Member to decide if they wanted to hire outside counsel and let Ms. Gust-Jenson know. He asked Council Members to include any comments or suggestions regarding scope of review. Ed Rutan said if the scope of review was limited to just property issues he felt it was not worth doing. He said review was needed on First Amendment issues.
B. Council Office Policies
C. For Your Information
D. Upcoming Appointments (see attached goldenrod sheet)
E. Upcoming Agenda items (see attached goldenrod sheet)
F. Informational Mail items received (see attached goldenrod sheet)